FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1380

woodpecker. 0.86 counted. we're waiting. don't change positions.

Sit and wait).

Ilya told you - for a ruble will punish))))

Alexei, it all comes down to whether you can profit from the market or not, and various "theories" about psychology, kitchen conspiracies and world imperialism, Puppet, are just attempts to explain their failure.

What I need, I will take, regardless of your views and doubts. As for the dolls, that is purely the privilege of the kitchens, they are all geared up for that.

But seemingly meaningless conversations sometimes lead to interesting ideas, which makes the outlook wider and the understanding clearer. So it can't be called a completely useless exercise either.



Alexey Busygin:

What I need, I will take, regardless of your views and doubts. As for the dolls, that's purely the privilege of the kitchens, they're all geared up for that.

But at first glance pointless talk, push sometimes interesting thoughts, which makes the outlook wider, and the understanding clearer. So, it can't be called a completely useless activity either.

I don't give a shit about that.

And drawing the wrong conclusions can't get you anywhere.


Sit and wait).

Ilya told you - he will punish you for a ruble)))

One lot - and life is done.
One lot and you've got your life in order.
You guys are dreamers, everything is at the lowes and haves, it's at times like this that you usually dream of the sky-high reaches))))
You guys are dreamers, everything is at the low and highs, it's times like these when you usually dream of the sky-high reaches))))
Not everything goes zig-zagging and to the right
As for the ruble, it has nowhere to get stronger!!! No way!!! It has already been held back for years! So now its exchange rate is more or less adequate. And even taking into account inflation by fifty per cent it will not become stronger even if you jump out of your trousers!

And if you take into account all the other factors - so much so!!!
Eura at 0.85? Have you read the miracle predictions of Morgan, Deutsch or whoever else?! Kids - go play in the cat's litter box - you fucking weirdos!!!
Eura at 0.85? Have you read the miracle predictions of Morgan, Deutsch or whoever else?! Kids - go play in the cat's litter box - weirdos fuck!!!
You don't honour saxauls!