FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1387

Ig is Muslim communism. Christian we have seen enough, Buddhist we expect.
Into the citation book at once!
Let's drop the hedges for starters, let's deal with the shoulders. Why does a broker provide a client with a leverage? Because he is too kind? Or does he have a vested interest?

The broker wants to increase the volume of the client's operations - that's what leverage is for.

His earnings from the volume - in any variant of work 1) or through commission, 2) or through the difference of the input and output spread, 3) or if they do not withdraw - apparently they think - more risks - more chance of withdrawal.

for the broker the leverage is not a big risk, which is that there may be gaps or cases like with SNB - when the stop-out does not work and lots of clients who have more clients depo go to the broker

- in the case of SNB we know that many brokers go broke or take losses - the risk is there, but sadly ...

It's just that I've already figured it out.

I'm happy for you))). But one question plagues me - if you have no questions about how to chop cabbage, why do you communicate with backward personalities who have a naked butt, etc., etc.

I, for example, have been surfing the forums to find an idea in this muck that will help me get a new perspective on this difficult market. As soon as I understand it all, like you, rummaging around will become meaningless, and I will disappear for you.


I'm happy for you))). But one question plagues me - if you have no questions about how to chop cabbage, why do you communicate with backward personalities who have a naked butt, etc., etc.

I, for example, have been surfing the forums to find an idea in this muck that will help me get a new perspective on this difficult market. As soon as I understand it, as you do, poking around will become meaningless and I will disappear for you.



The broker wants to increase the volume of the client's operations - that's what leverage is for.

His earnings from the volume - in any variant of work 1) or through commission, 2) or through the difference of the input and output spread, 3) or if they do not withdraw - apparently they think - more risks - more chance of withdrawal.

for the broker the leverage is not a big risk, which is that there may be gaps or cases like with SNB - when the stop-out does not work and lots of clients who have more clients depo go to the broker

- for the SNB, as we know many brokers go broke or take losses - the risk is there, but sadly ...

brokers need leverage to lure clients. When you put money in your account, they focus on their accounts in rubles, dollars, euros, when they get a certain amount, they go abroad and operate there. Here they collect signals from you and from the domination of signals, buy and sell different currencies, and all this is laid out in their books. Simple accounting.

And when the same guys outbid them, all they have to do is buy a plane ticket and then declare bankruptcy. Even though, in fact, there is no bankruptcy. And it makes no sense to seize their accounts here when the money is already there.

It is exactly the same rule that says who keeps the dough, manages it.


I'm happy for you))). But one question plagues me - if you have no questions about how to chop cabbage, why do you communicate with backward personalities who have a naked butt, etc., etc.

I, for example, have been surfing the forums to find an idea in this muck that will help me get a new perspective on this difficult market. As soon as I understand it, as you do, poking around will become meaningless and I will disappear for you.

You are a strange one, Nostradamus, don't you have any interest in what else the fake guru will say)).

the broker wants to increase the client's transaction volume - that's what leverage is for.

Leverage can increase the number of transactions, but not the volume. The client invests less money proportionally to the leverage... especially in cent accounts...

The client's earnings from the volume - with any variant of work 1) or through commission, 2) or the difference of incoming and outgoing spread, 3) or if they don't withdraw money - they think - more risks - more chance to withdraw.

Their earnings are 98% of plumers (this is statistics) and 2% of smart traders are a headache for them. Because neither spread, nor commission will cover losses from leverage.

And the fact that it's easier to lose with a big leverage is true.

For a broker the leverage is not much of a risk, which is that there may be gaps or cases like SNB - when a stop out does not work and los clients who have more clients' depo go to the broker

- in the case of SNB many brokers go bankrupt or take losses - the risk is there, but not that much ...

The risk is small only in the case of not withdrawing funds into real trading, they lie in the broker's account and gradually los, spreads, commissions transfer the dough into his ownership.

And in the case of withdrawal - see above... about smart traders...


All kitchens have the same final outcome, bankruptcy and capitulation, with the CEO going abroad.

This is why it is so important to choose your broker and trading conditions carefully.

You're a strange one, Nostradamus, don't you have any interest in what the fancy guru will say next?)
That's not why I'm here... If I want a laugh, I'll go to the professionals, the circus...




You should specify what you are discussing, the broker or the kitchen)