FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1384

Alexey Busygin:
are a few thoughts that came to mind at once.
Refugees come for the cash, and they're to be taken out? Oh, man, that's a burner, for fuck's sake. I always have a snack in the morning.
Refugees come for the cash, and they're to be taken out? Oh, man, it's fucking burning, man. I always have a snack in the morning.
I'm speechless. ....
I was thinking more over the weekend about terrorist attacks. It's easy to think about actions and to take the eu down now. Asama took almost a kt in kcal on this one. It might not be over yet.
Alexey Busygin:

This kind of reinforcement, we will be only too happy until one of them defaults. We don't have everything to lose forever.

The lower the euro against the dollar, the more refugees will come to Europe, so the more they will have to leave. Refugees need cash in Europe, they need it, so they sell it to them.

Go ahead and write it down for posterity
I'm at a loss for words....
Looks like he won't be coming back to you anytime soon after that.
Refugees are refugees, Alexei, you have to look at the root of the problem, and all problems lie in our governments, in their greed and ambition. Until people understand that they do not need these "rulers", they will continue to do so. Many people think that without governments there would be bacchanalia and lawlessness, but this is exactly what "governments" do, there is no anarchy that can take as many people as they kill and loot).
Server Muradasilov:
Come on, I'm writing it down for posterity.
Alexey Busygin:
Looks like he won't be back to you soon.

Keep it up) Burn)))

Lesh, that's not serious, people are waiting for the sequel)))


I am weeping)))

The idea thatthe euro is falling so as not to attract migrants is the first I've heard of it.

The Masonic conspiracy theory is nervously smoking out.


I'm crying)))

The idea thatthe euro is falling so as not to attract migrants is the first I've heard of it.

The Masonic conspiracy theory is nervously smoking away.

Don't embarrass our speaker)

Even Guru didn't make that kind of argument after the flies))))))))))
