FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1076

the helmet reminds me of someone...

I would stay out of gold sales altogether.

There will never be a 1080, let alone a 1000. Shook out all the buyers long ago and repeatedly.

The nearest target is 1215. And if they give 1140-45 after that, then I'll buy everything there with a stop at 1100 and a take at 1350.

Probably the rusty ones are right. Going down first. Picking up shorts).

For nothing.

Ilya, I take it that the pound will be 61 first and then 51, all the while you have to sell?


3 tanks overnight moose, but the potential there is huge!!!!

Yes, the potential for moose in there is still huge))))

Maksim Diveev:

It has become boring to read the forum, just texts and figures. Earlier, every other used to put up pictures.

So not a gallery here)


For nothing.

Ilya, I take it that the pound will be 61 first and then 51, all the while you have to sell?


Limit 5419 (again...), well, or TR, to whomever...

bought last night on the decline (too lazy to look???)



limit 5419 (again...), or TR, whatever...

bought last night on the decline (too lazy to look???)


I can imagine how many Vasilians got into the shorts yesterday....


I can imagine how many Vasilians got into shorts yesterday....

don't talk shit...

it's getting ridiculous...


Don't bullshit me...

It's ridiculous, really...

It's not funny, it's sad, they're shorting on everything now.
It's not funny, it's sad, they are shorting on everything.
the limit is set, so is the take, nothing to add ...
limit is set, so is the take, nothing to add...

My tears....

Listen to your Guru Idler, he's already told you this and that, but you won't do anything)))