FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1074

Stop serving vodka for breakfast to Bigus in the morning. Let him cook it for you.)
I had nothing to do with it! Off to work...
Evgeniya Balchin:
I had nothing to do with it! Go to work...
eh eh eh eh eh eh eh

On the pound 52 will not give, unless by a hairpin and that is unlikely. 1.5230-35 could be a fillip.

Evgeniya Balchin:
))))))) tell me too...I'm not tolerant))) of same-sex marriage...
Welcome to our club.

On the pound 52 will not give, unless by a hairpin and that is unlikely. 1.5230-35 is fine.

that's what happened. what's Baden-Baden?

all my levels are taken on the eu, the cd's above are also empty...

From 1.144 I'll try to pipsqueak down. We have been stalling for too long.
so it was. what's Baden-Baden?
So yesterday Eugenia said 5231, said yes, laughed, however, about below 52 told)

all my levels are taken on the eu, the cd's above are also empty...

How's that?))) And the sales? What about the pound 5101?

You're mowing down half the Guru? )))))


How's that?)) And the sales? And on the pound 5101?

Mowing down half of Guru? )))))

everything is in place: both buying and selling...