FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1073

I'm .19 on the Jew, the screw is not worth a damn at all.

So I'm a crowd too))))

Expecting a rise.

Assuming the gentlemen with Wall Street options hedge positions on the underlying asset, then it turns out we should trade in the opposite direction.

I.e. if the bulk of the DBs are holding puts, then buy. And vice versa.


What about us? What are we waiting for?

At the moment I'm waiting for my wife to make breakfast and bring it over. With a shot of vodka.



At the moment I'm waiting for my wife to make breakfast and bring it over. With a shot of vodka.


I'm having a cranberry).

At the moment I'm waiting for my wife to make breakfast and bring it over. With a shot of vodka.


Good for you, I've been up since 5am))))) no wife)

Assuming that the gentlemen with Wall Street options hedge positions on the underlying asset, then it turns out to trade in the opposite direction.

That is, if the bulk of the DBs are holding puts, then buy. And vice versa.

Nobody hedges anything there, it's a fairy tale, they speculate to the max, but where does the money come from? That is the answer.
Evgeniya Balchin:
Good for you, I've been up since 5am))))) no wife)
Get married)
Get married))
))))))) say too...I'm not tolerant))) of same-sex marriage...
Evgeniya Balchin:
))))))) tell me too...I'm not tolerant))) to same-sex marriage...
Stop serving vodka for breakfast in the morning to Bigus. Let him cook it for you.)
Evgeniya Balchin:
))))))) tell me too... I am not tolerant))) of same-sex marriage...
reveal your face.