FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 107

They'll suck your dick, that's all. The only way you can make money is in a circus, and with the Teacher, it will be a full house.
What I wish you, because I doubt that the long wait (ie, long term) will feed you, not for nothing are sitting on a bean, you have your garden, long term is not you Waiting, you can long suck (paw)
If you do not know what to expect, you may be right... If you do not know what to expect, you may be right.
They may be the key word, guys and gals, you can basically trade from scratch for as long as the depot is big enough or as long as you have enough, and nobody prevents you from adding something of your own, but you can take this method that really works. Profit to all)
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
I have been working on this for years and now I'm working on the Forex market for many years. Profit for everyone))
Well, they do not know how to take this method. They don't know what to do, and what nasty methods they use in order to find out about it, if only not to think for themselves. ;))
Anatoli Kazharski:
So they don't know how to take this method. They don't know what to do, and what nasty methods they use to find out about it, just so they don't think for themselves. ;))

So everyone will never make money, we are all counterparts or competitors

Today I screwed up, tomorrow you will, so the money flows from pocket to pocket


??? Interesting.

Ishim, how did you determine?

I personally don't see either level. The 18th is out, so far, so good. The jedi thing is a little more realistic. The plan's gonna go up or down...

there's three punches to close.
So everyone will never make money, we are all contractors or competitors.
You clowns, led by the Master.

So everyone will never make money, we're all contractors or competitors

One day I screw up, the next day you screw up, that's how the money flows from pocket to pocket

You either always screw up, even if you screw up sometimes, or you never screw up. I'm fine with the second one. ;))
You clowns led by the Teacher.
You're right to write something in this thread, it's clownish.
You clowns are led by the Master.

The Jedi should not be confused with the clowns.

Anatoli Kazharski:
Well, they don't know how to take this method. They don't know what to do, and they use all sorts of nasty methods to find out about it, just so they don't have to think for themselves. ;))
So you can read 2 Volumes )) of the branch and everything will be clear