FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 47

How about this: open two accounts. open opposite positions on them with no stops.... how will it end? will they go crazy ? or will they wander back and forth a little bit until the trader makes a decision ?
try it. i've heard it first hand.

If you had a link to something which confirms that the ECB is buying currency - you would have pressed stl+C and stl+B -

but you typed 100 letters on the keyboard instead - which rather confirms the idea that you don't have one...

google doesn't find it ... common sense contradicts ... - as I described in detail above.

Just use your head and understand that every Central Bank is a mm for its own currency. Or do you need a link where it is written in big letters on the fence?

When people ask me questions that I can answer, I say to you - your questions have all been answered - and you write nasty things in return...

Answer a question I said I wouldn't answer - I won't get fired from my job - I won't do it.

I don't write mean things, but if I insulted an adler, I apologize. I feel bad about it.

And how he suffers))).
You shouldn't equate quibbling with insults...
They won't... because they won't find out... Well, no, no...

Hercog - by the way - keeps a daily diary there (in the diaries section) - you can see that things are not working perfectly at all

That's his problem.


about strenge,

Thank you !

You are a good wizard after all )

I'll read it )

And how he agonizes))))
You shouldn't equate quibbling and insults...
They won't fire him... ...because they won't know... Well, no, they won't...

they too can read this thread or find it on purpose if they want to...

nastiness is nastiness.

it's hard to compare real numbers (unlike integers) but checking for more or less isn't a problem

- it's also either you write good or bad

maybe to what extent good or bad is to each his own, but positive or negative is not that hard to distinguish

You can just use your head and understand that each Central Bank is a mm for its own currency. Or do you need a link where it is written in big letters on the fence?

economists have had their heads in or out for a long time - but the gist of clever theories is that the central bank should not influence the exchange rate, but only the rate

"We have to understand it individually - there is a link to this argument - I even googled it - NOTHING


economists have long turned it on or off - but the essence of smart theories is that the central bank should not affect the exchange rate, but only the rate.

Everyone will "understand" it differently - there is a link to this argument - I even googled it - NOTHING

the point of smart theories is that they make money on their theories, nothing more.

economists have had their heads in or out for a long time - but the gist of clever theories is that the central bank should not influence the exchange rate, only the rate

"the central bank has a different view - there is a link to this argument - I even googled it and found it - NOTHING

The rate is also a tool to influence the rate ...
If they want to, they will intervene quietly. Through crosses, a few banks etc...
Just use your head and understand that each Central Bank is a mm for its own currency. Or do you need a link where it is written in big letters on the fence?

OK, Strange, it is clear that the cb is not the mm, we can discuss whether the ECB intervenes or not and the second question is whether the ECB has quid - but the mm is a load of bollocks ...

we need to agree on definitions first

as i understand it:

MM is done for a pair (ground + instrument) , MM is in the air - mush in the head,

MM should "always" provide two-way quotes with a sufficiently narrow spread on the instrument and on a given floor.

it is clear that no Central Bank, not even the Central Bank of Russia, is "always" on any stock exchange

it means it is not a MM


there are "millions" of exchanges ,

arbitrators arbitrate between venues...