FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1738


Well, so be it).

Open TOS and show me how OI changes online, I'll see)

I don't have TOS now, it shows the same as in your picture.

Go through the settings.


I don't have a TOS now, it shows the same thing as in your picture

That's the thing, it's not the same.
That's the thing, it's not the same.

In the settings, add OI OB's and premium

It'll be the same but with a delay.

There was time, strike, volume, oi in the owl file.


What does this have to do with the premium?

You bought a call option, you paid a premium, and you are not interested in further premium changes.

We wrote an owl that charted OI and volume every 15 minutes

and recalculated the level through the premium.

And where do you find this owl? Or is it a secret?

In the settings, add the OI OB's and premium

it will be the same but with a delay

Yes I know all this, see bid-ask on the screenshot and in TOS.
Where can I get a look at the owl? Or is it a secret?

It's no secret, but I don't have it.

I posted it on the forum a long time ago, maybe back at 4.

ask the bearded one, maybe he still has it

there was an owl and a program that prepared data for the owl from tOS

Alexey Busygin:

No, I think you've forgotten, we didn't agree on anything.

But at first you said it would take a week, and then you said it wouldn't even take two weeks. But come on, the main thing is that you have come to your senses!

Now we can say "The story of how Lyokha silenced Wizard for a week".

Are you stupid?))) They're experimenting on you and you're imagining things...
Eh... Alesha)))
I know all this, look at the screenshot and in the TOC.

If you know, why do you ask?

We were talking about oi and volume, why would I need a bid-ask?


It's no secret, but I don't have it.

I posted it on the forum a long time ago, maybe back at 4.

ask the bearded one, maybe he still has it

there was an owl and also a program that prepared data for the owl from tOS

Bearded is Strange?
Is the Brodatny the Strange?


there was another program that took data from the CME page

and it was counting all sorts of things, changes in oi, changes in volume, in money...

and everything else.

and eight counts and fall counts.

TQ is the same as on flea.

that's why in TRASH