FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1442

Alexey Busygin:
I personally don't care, you can sacrifice or cheat. In any case, self-deception is an individual matter.

Only retards engage in self-deception.

And you have no idea about consistently profitable trading, that's for sure.


We hear... we hear... don't shout)))

You really got nothing better to do than bitch and troll? Can't you show us your entrance and we'll have a laugh. That's what I'm talking about.
Alexey Busygin:
Alesha... I am impressed by your abstract-logical thinking)))
Do you really have nothing better to do than bitch and troll? Can't you show us your entrance and we'll have a laugh. That's what I'm talking about.
I like you guys)))) Keep it up!

What did you say, Lesha, yesterday? I have nothing to show for it.

So there's nothing to talk about either.


Self-deception is something only morons do.

And you don't have a clue about consistently profitable trading, that's for sure.

I don't know if you're trying to convince me or yourself.

Your method of earning money I understand, but mine, you will not get. You see something familiar but you don't understand what it is and you go straight to the analysis, then you come at it from the other side.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing

FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences 2015(continued)

stranger, 2015.11.18 15:20

As you, Lesha, said yesterday? I have nothing to show for it.

So there's nothing to rattle your tongue about here either.

Oooh! What are you talking about?
Alexey Busygin:

I do not understand whether you want to convince me or yourself

Your method of earning money is clear to me, but mine will not come to you. You see something familiar, but you do not understand what it is and immediately leave for analysis, then come in from the other side.

I want to convince you that if you don't have your own ni...yay, then don't...izdi someone else's.
I want to convince you that if you don't have any of your own, you don't have any of someone else's.
Still don't get you? With these abbreviations, there's always something wrong with my head.
Alexey Busygin:
Still don't understand you? There's always something wrong with these abbreviations.
What's unclear?)))
The old one was sitting on the lake... fishing from a catamaran.
Alesha came with a net.
Late at night there was matey coming from the lake)))