FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1326

So, kids, buy the euro and get rich)
So, kids, buy the eurow and get rich)

you teach me...

there's still 50 p. to be completed on the chif...

0664 for consideration


you teach me...

there's still 50 pips to go on the chif...

I don't give a shit about your 50 pips)

It's nothing new to me that you get smart when you have to act.)

I don't give a fuck about your 50 pips.)

don't fight guys - sell smaller volume now and average in 50 pips

That's my thinking.

I think the buying of the Euro pound hedges against the risk that the bank is wrong and the Bx is about to go over the hill... if so the eu and pound will both drop ....

I don't give a shit about your 50 pips.)

Ny, ny...

Go for it!


don't fight guys - sell smaller volume now and average in 50 pips

That's what I'm thinking.



and thinking euro pound buy -- hedges against the risk that the strange is wrong and now the quid is still going to go to a figure ... if so, both the eu and the pound will fall ....


and the Loon is down, the Kiwi is in correlation


don't fight guys - sell smaller volume now and average in 50 pips

the great equaliser

Zogman, I've been criticised here for weeks, keep what's closer to you)


I love the way our shop assistants, when there is no change, say "Would you look at the ruble?" I always reply: "Show me, I'll look at it".

The main thing here is to understand and know "where to put the indicator". It's like a logarithmic ruler - one drives nails, while the other multiplies, divides, logarithms and extracts roots.

Why do you take it so literally? By "circle" I mean square But it's all right too! Where do you put the dates?