FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1086


and the Evra blew the shit out of it yesterday, not bad...

but the debts haven't gone anywhere...


It's a bit early to sell the Euro, tomorrow, and that's if it gets here today:

Pound is not to be touched at all for the time being.)


and the Evra blew the shit out of it yesterday, not bad...

but the debts haven't gone anywhere...

Yeah, and so did the doldrums))))
Yes, and hang-ups too))))
that's the way it is...
Only the Great One has hang-ups that disappear without a trace, asked with Bmkus where the sell, which was at the bottom of the monitor), but what does HIM need our questions, HE is so Great that he doesn't notice us anymore....
That's the way it is...
The guys are always morally supportive...)))
The guys are always morally supportive...)))For what the roads are worth.

I'll come in on the fooch:


buy sticks, buy with a kickback (debts are all at the bottom...)

and the general pound bazaar:

dumb, don't get it. who to buy, when?


on the pound daily buy rails

yesterday worked out the take on the 4 o'clock

to take TP5620 KUCKL may (but not necessarily) drive the price down (taking a debt at 5101), then calmly go up

that's why I wrote about buying from the pullback (5346, 5198, 5072... ) TP 56202

46 p. I will close to support the drawdown...


Think of the Canadian dollar. The price came to a head. There was a wagonload of talk.