FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1090


Today, and yesterday and the day before yesterday 5101, and tomorrow it will write 60, so here's a pisal))))

And the hang on 5370 hangs and keeping it up to 56 is a bit of a pain, and then who knows what will be drawn, no one knows the future.

And I know the pound will be two. So what now? Should I buy anywhere and anytime? Idler, he's delusional again.)

chif bought, eura sold???

Taki sold the pound.

If it goes higher, I'll sell it again.


So... will the KUKL dolls show up after the paddock?...


So... will the KUKL dolls show up after the paddock?...

Looks like the ice is turning.....))

So... will the KUKL dolls show up after the paddock?...

Yes Strange showed to where... :-) and there doesn't seem to be much else...
you bought the chif, you sold the eureka???
Son, who told you to sell...?

Nice +100500 :) ♪ got 'em all ♪

Server Muradasilov:

Nice +100500 :) ♪ got 'em all ♪

By catching bounces and making duds?