FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1091

By catching bounces and making duds?
Greetings, everyone has their own method - you're good at trading too!
Nobody has 100 per cent inputs, and there's no need for that. Each of us has the right to make a mistake, and that mistake does not depend on us, it is impossible to calculate everything thoroughly.
Where did new-rena and his system disappear to?
Server Muradasilov:
Greetings, everyone has their own method - you're good at trading too !

It's not a method, it's guessing from a price chart, and there's nothing on it, the chart. We have two of them).

I agree, no one knows 100%, and indeed no one knows the future, but you have to use some data to draw any conclusions. Sticks... There are no words.


on Evra is not all choked up yet today:

and on the pound, strangling is not over strangling...

And new-rena and his system disappeared... I haven't seen him in a while...

The wife must've been hammered with a rolling pin. Figlily, the no-bailout system ate 30% of the depo.


The wife must've been hammered with a rolling pin. Figli, the no-bailout system ate 30% of the depot.

The start with the robot was great, I must have forgotten about it.

It's not a method, it's guessing from a price chart, and there's nothing on it, the chart. We have two of them).

I agree, no one knows 100%, and indeed no one knows the future, but you have to use some data to draw any conclusions. Sticks... There are no words.

Volumes are more likely in the sticks (it is like water - ice, water and vapor, i.e. the different states of volumes) and they are formed for some reason.
Server Muradasilov:
The volumes (it is like water - ice, water, steam, i.e. different states of volumes) are most likely in these sticks, they are formed for a reason.
The most important thing is the result. You can call it what you like. If the tambourine dance gives a consistent result, then it's not dancing, but the trading system.) The sticks are the power! If you don't know what you are dealing with, you may get into trouble and then think you are a fool.
Evgeniya Balchin:
Yes Strange has shown to where...:-) and there seems to be nothing else...
still guessing? (how are you doing?)