I will write an advisor free of charge - page 72


I've recently downloaded an interesting indicator, I've been trading on it for a few months now and would like to make an EA on it. ***

This topic implies that the help is provided openly, followed by placing the open source code here. Therefore, you should not take the discussion elsewhere.

Anton Yakovlev:
If you have a good strategy and are willing to share it, I can write an EA. i invite you to discuss it publicly or in private message.

Hello, I've come up with a strategy, I think I have one, but it's a bit different. I need an EA for RSI on a martin.

Сергей Мартынов:

Hello, can you write EAs?

Anton Yakovlev:
If you have a good strategy and are willing to share it, I can write an advisor. I invite you to discuss it either publicly or in private messages.


Anton Yakovlev:
If you have a good strategy and are willing to share it, I can write an EA. i invite you to discuss it either publicly or in private messages.
If you have a good strategy and are willing to share it, I can write an EA, either publicly or in private messages.

Write an EA for crypto!

That it would be possible to use EA from external crypto exchange!

Or no one can write!

Only we can brag about it, but NO ONE can write or create a normal worker!



Write an EA for crypto!

So that the advisor can be used from an external crypto exchange!

+1 about writing an EA. For me, too relevant.

There was an article onHow to trade on external cryptocurrency exchange via MetaTrader 5: - but for some reason it was deleted, along with forum branch correspondingly...

Who knows why it was deleted...

It was really very useful article... maybe someone has a copy?

I myself trade manually, apply only Fibo and mark only buy or sell levels, from these levels I buy or exit from buying at sell level. I have decided for myself that the whole market is built on momentum and correction.

+1 about writing an advisor. It's relevant to me as well.

There was an article onHow to trade on an external cryptocurrency exchange via MetaTrader 5: - but for some reason they deleted it, along with the forum thread correspondingly...

Who knows why it was deleted...

It was really very useful article... maybe someone has a copy of it?

Look for a copy of the article in Google cache.
Anton Yakovlev:
If you have a good strategy and are willing to share it, I can write an EA. I invite you to discuss it either publicly or in private messages.

I need to remake an EA, can you help me?