I have been charged, where do I find out what for? - page 52

The order will be cancelled and it means to write off the penalty from the customer, and we are talking about how to make a fine written off equally from the performer and the customer.

the performer earns a reputation and a non-withdrawable amount, such jobs (when the performer gets stuck on the first job) will be one-off jobs.

The non-withdrawable amount is deducted from the performer's account if he lost the arbitration or refused to perform the task after the confirmation of the task or for some other shoal.

The performer will have an incentive not to make a mistake, will not be withdrawable amount from which it will pay for the service.

You can make a non-withdrawable amount, i.e. some performer works for free (say 2-3 tasks for a total of 100 quid for example), above the amount withdraws, committed a screw-up deducted from the salary and again work for free.
Yes, simply reserve funds. If you don't have money, start it. I am not against reservation from the programmer, but imagine the situation. The job is 20 c.u. We reserve 1 dollar. You may interpret interpret these terms any way you want, and the customer does it with success, the programmer has his own view, and the arbitrator decides whom to charge this quid). We also need to calculate the commission for entering the funds).

Frozen on arbitration of the same amount from both parties.

Condition violated

There will be fewer contractors, but only those who are slashing and dumping)

No, no, not equally, but from the one who is wronged.
There is no guarantee that on the contractor's first order, the client will get offended. That is why the client has to have some money if he has to pay the fine.

Shit. It's been said a hundred times.

If you can't do it, don't do it!

I didn't.
There is no guarantee that the client will be penalised on the contractor's first order. Therefore, the client must have some means to pay a fine if required.
This can be handled in different ways, and the MC is experienced in handling the situation in his own way.)

the performer earns a reputation and a non-withdrawable amount, such jobs will be one-off.

The non-withdrawable amount is deducted from the performer's account if he/she loses the arbitration or refuses to perform the task after the confirmation of the task or for any other fault.

The contractor will have an incentive not to make a mistake, there will be a non-withdrawable amount from which he will pay for the service.

It is possible and so. This will make it difficult to join the ranks of jobbers for new participants. Do the organizers of the job need this, or maybe they have a different policy?
This can be played in different ways thanks to MK's experience in playing the situation to his own taste)
Take 10% - 5% from the customer and 5% from the programmer)
I didn't.

You're a real troll, you know that?

And you can disagree, you can argue, but he has a point of view and an argument.


You're a real troll, you know that?

You can disagree and argue with Integer, but he has a point of view and arguments

Adapting to the environment, Mikhalych)