I have been charged, where do I find out what for? - page 50


Go back to real life.

The customer can be wrong in assessing feasibility.

Here is an example from real life:http://www.forumhouse.ru/threads/236405/#post-7861832

How do you know if a task is feasible? It might be cheaper to buy a new desk.

This is not an example, the customer is asking what it is like and how much it will cost... rather than running around shouting, this is bullshit, some 1/35th of a table and it should cost 30 p.
Coupled with the percentage of arbitrations - no. But an indicator of what I stated above.

how would you decide?

conditions -

you cannot raise the cost of arbitration (man-hours per arbitration case)

No decision to decrease client and contractor activity


I will say that you might need a doctor.

And it's not a trick, I'm serious.

I mean, you're a really good person, but you're a bit of a spitfire.

Yeah, well... So it's okay to argue that black is white and white is black. But trying to put everything in its place and explain that white is still white and black is still black, then you need a doctor.

The problem has been and remains. The MCs are afraid of insolent customers but at the same time cultivate even more insolent performers. Genius.

Here's an example.

I am not his executor, come on, Andrew, let's not go back to the subject of trolls in my direction. I only hinted to the comrade that his assignment is unworkable and my insolence is only in the truth. You can take his side and you can even return the 5 quid to him.

how would you decide?

The arbitration freeze is the same for both sides.


It's not trolling, Vasya, it's stating a fact. I've never had a single dissatisfied customer in my entire career.

I've been on both sides. I know what I'm talking about.


I will say that you might need a doctor.

And it's not a trick, I'm serious.

You're a really good person, but you've got a bit of a spitfire.

I see you had to become a doctor - you see sick people everywhere).
In order for a performer to be charged a fine, it means that before someone starts accepting orders in the jobe, they have to pay some kind of deposit. This makes a big difference.
A freeze on arbitration of the same amount on both sides.
It's easier to close the service). The risks will already be built into the price.

I have another question: what if another problem arises, will the MCs also change the rules to suit themselves?

and so on until the needs of the MCs are fully met? )

It's easier to close the service.) The risks will already be built into the price.

Well, when you take on a twenty-bucks hack job, you'll put a price of 21.

That's it.