I have been charged, where do I find out what for? - page 55


It is the programmer of the Jobs service who is sure.

Because a normal programmer is not sure about it, and competing for $50 to get the hassle of communicating with a customer about "who doesn't understand what" a normal programmer would not do.

This is very interesting. About the job, about competing for 50 quid and so on... About some understanding of normality or abnormality. So you're a programmer, but not with a job, for $50 you don't change, etc. etc. Then what are you doing here so steadily? Are you in a cool job as a programmer who doesn't hustle for $50? This is very interesting. Maybe you do have a problem and need to see a doctor?

You left out the word "inexperienced". The correct word is.

:-) An experienced one will ask the question -

Are you sure you want to spend your money on this order of an EA that will work exactly according to your algorithm. But YOU won't make shit anyway, because it's "forex, baby" and your Expert Advisor sucks, because the market will change and then your deposit will collapse. Are you sure about this? I'm an experienced programmer and I have written more than 10 000 Expert Advisors, and for some reason I am still talking to you, although I have to build a house on Mars and spend money on research of an intergalactic spaceship, so that I could fly straight from my villa to my summer house on Mars instead of wasting time on takeoffs.

Is that what you meant to say?

Now that's very interesting. About the job, about the competition for 50 quid, etc... About some understanding of normality or abnormality. So you're a programmer, but not with a job, for $50 you don't change, etc. etc. Then what are you doing here so steadily? Are you in a cool job as a programmer who doesn't hustle for $50? This is very interesting. Maybe you do have a problem and need to see a doctor?
I am looking forthe grail.
I'm looking for the Grail.
What for? Not enough money?
What for? Is there not enough money?


They are always in short supply.



They are always in short supply.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

It is the programmer of the Jobs service who is sure.

Because the normal programmer is not sure about it, and compete for $ 50, get a mess in the form of communication with the customer on the theme of "who is there what does not understand" normal programmer will not.

If the job is for 2 hours, then 50 dollars is quite normal wage. Do you want to get hemorrhoid for 50 000 dollars? It is easier to get hemorrhoid for 50 000 dollars, for 50 000 you will not get hemorrhoid but a bullet.

There has to be competition everywhere.


:-) The inexperienced will ask a question -

Is that what you meant to say?

No, the experienced one will first give this text to a copywriter :)

P.S. By the way, yes, the instructions for customers are here, but nobody seems to have thought of instructions for programmers until now :)

It got to them that way).
No, an experienced one would give it to a copywriter first :)
Are you trying to show off how cool you are too? Personal copywriter... personal pizza guy... what else is personal?