I have been charged, where do I find out what for? - page 23


With the first candidate, there is no message about refusing to work on our service. Not even in private. If you did receive a rejection, it was only on the side. You insisted on emailing him as well.

With the other, the correspondence was by mail. Which you suggested as a channel of communication. The format of the message implied that you were communicating with him beforehand in the same way (about money). There's no need to talk about an unexpected rejection in the form of a single letter.

The situation is trivial and constant - the parties knowingly worked and corresponded on the side and then declared to arbitration.

It seems to me that you are not entirely adequate either. I am saying that I did not communicate with the second person via email. His email was the only one where the man apologised for not doing the work.

You, on the other hand, are blithely asserting that the correspondence was by post. YOU ARE BLATANTLY LYING!!!

If not, give me some proof. If you don't, then you are a LGBT and an INDEED MAN.

ok. why is only one party financially penalised? And why is the fine only 5%?
Because those are the rules - they didn't agree and they are both at fault. The monetary penalty is always paid by the customer. The penalty also includes a drop in rating for both of them.
Because those are the rules - they don't get together and it's both their fault. The monetary penalty is always paid by the customer. The penalty includes a drop in both of their ratings.
Where does it say that in the rules? I couldn't find it (maybe I wasn't looking hard enough)

It seems to me that you are not entirely adequate either. I am saying that I did not communicate with the second person by email. His email was the only one where the man apologised for not doing the work.

You, on the other hand, are blithely claiming that the correspondence was by post. YOU ARE BLATANTLY LYING!!!

If not, give at least some proof. If you don't, you are a LGBT and an INDEED person.

You have also claimed for several pages that there is nothing in your correspondence history. You even threw a tantrum.

Now you are trying to play the "no one knows my third party correspondence and no one can prove it" card. Yes, no one except executor's side will show the content, but the point remains - it was you who forcibly offered email as a channel for discussion, you didn't explain (and in fact lied, referring to the personal account where there are no refusals) how you received refusal (gave your refusal) from the first candidate, published the final letter from the second executor.


With the first candidate, there is no message about refusing to work on our service. Not even in private. If you did receive a rejection, it was only on the side. You insisted on emailing him as well.

With the other, there was correspondence by post. Which you suggested as a channel of communication. The format of the message implied that you were communicating with him beforehand in the same way (about money). There is no need to talk about an unexpected rejection in the form of a single letter.

Maybe then prohibit the publication of Skype, ICQ, mail in the profile. Otherwise it turns out that leaving this information all developers do not mind communicating in this way.

It seems to me that you are not entirely adequate either. I am saying that I did not communicate with the second person by email. His email was the only one where the man apologised for not doing the work.

You, on the other hand, are blithely asserting that the correspondence was by post. YOU ARE BLATANTLY LYING!!!

If not, give me some proof. If you don't, you are a LGBT and an INDEED MAN.

There was. But not a correspondence, an incoming email.

That's it, then email me:

Sorry to keep you waiting, but with MT5.
It turns out to be unrealistic to do because of MT5 architecture.
But it is possible to hack into the files and rewrite the data
where the bar data is stored. But it will be expensive.
400$ + there are some limitations. I will be able to do it in few days.

Sincerely, Alex.

But it doesn't change anything. You're grounded for nothing.


You also claimed for several pages that there was nothing in your correspondence history. You even had a tantrum.

Now you are trying to play the "no one knows my correspondence and no one can prove it" card. Yes, no one except executor's side will show the content, but the point remains - it was you who forcibly offered email as a channel for discussion, you didn't explain (and in fact lied, referring to the personal account where there are no rejections) how you got rejected (gave your rejection) from the first candidate, published the final letter from the second executor.

This is nonsense, I will not even comment. You are a LGBT and not a decent person, at least for me it remains so.

You make delusional speculations into reality.


And from the customer too. Otherwise, customers will tear up the whole market with their right to know nothing and their right to violate anything, because they are "buyers".

And you are confusing the customer by somehow shifting to the buyer. It is not a buyer of a finished product, but a full participant in the work of mutual non-guaranteed achievement of the result of a unique task. And there is an onus on the customer to facilitate the process. And the result is not guaranteed in at least 10% (according to our statistics) of cases.

Customers and contractors were before the market and even now they are not all in the market, it seems that the system has the ability to self-regulate. And in the market, this "self-regulation" occurs before the administration came into play (that is, before making a deposit). But then begins the asymmetry, there are requirements for the client (to confirm their ability to pay, by making a deposit), but there are no requirements for the performer at all. And civilization is rather characterized by the opposite asymmetry. By the way, I think that real programmers should also support the idea of an insurance amount to be paid by the contractor, there will be less dumping.
Can you show us how you communicated with the first candidate and how you refused or how he refused? The statement about the blabbermouth implies your experience of communication. But there is no communication within our service.
Can you show us how you communicated with the first candidate and how you refused or how he refused? The statement about the blabbermouth implies your experience of communication. But there is no communication within our service.
and does that have anything to do with refusing the second rabbi's job?