Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 300

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Oh, and the Roskomnadzor won't let us in) if i remember correctly specifically from rokomnadzor
Комбинатор: if i remember correctly specially from roskomnadzor

as expected, there was no dough)

i used a torrent at the vps

the intermediaries must have cut in )))))) ))))

strangely there is no transaction history although there was a history

Otherwise, nothing else is strange.

phishing, notifications of my every login and failed login go to the post and no withdrawal notifications before the letter

They should first send notifications of a successful login and then immediately notify of a withdrawal.

Then they will think less about it )

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

strangely, there is no transaction history, although there was a history

An acquaintance of mine first had his email broken and then his account was simply switched. He didn't go to btc-e very often, he noticed the switch only after several months.

They don't have any history and they don't have any transactions or trading history.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

they should first send a successful login notification and then a withdrawal notification at once.

they would take less thought then).

if all links are normal it's not phishing
If all the links are normal, it's not phishing.

are not normal,

Usually, hovering over a link will show you the real address of the link.

But here nothing was shown at all and copy the link (PKM) is also impossible.

ZS: Well, and with the source of the letter is also something wrong

So does anyone speculate on crypto exchanges? API seems to be there, even bots are selling, I take it the market is not efficient, there should be plenty of opportunities, right?


heh, almost walked in.)

as it turned out I followed a promotional link)


Raised moose )

Looking at the opening price and the current price. Here I am thinking whether to cut or grow some more.


Raised moose )

Looking at the opening price and the current price. Here I am thinking whether to cut or grow some more.

better a bird in the hand than a crane in the ba... sky )