Where to start? - page 14


So it's still up to those who are the most inventive to win.

And patient.
And patient.
I am. You can't do anything without it in any business.
It is. You can't do anything without it in any business.

Well, you yourself have come to contradict your own assertions.

Lack of patience is like being impatient. And lack of patience, as you yourself have agreed, contradicts a successful career as a trader. It doesn't matter if you're a "manual" or an "algo" trader.

Impatience has no place in the caste of slaves and artisans, for a craftsman, impatience is worse than the plague. And trading is a craft. So there is no chance.

You can't get into the bosses right away. You have to go through the suffering of a slave and be a very lucky and very effective slave. It means to be a very patient slave, very diligent.

So no matter how cruel you've been told over and over again, think again about whether you need it all. Maybe you should just settle for a thousand quid from the boss and the hope of retirement. At least that's almost a fact. And what you want to do is probably an illusion.

You should get married! That'll get you out of your head in no time. A harsh wife will cure such delusions in no time. You won't even think of anything like that again!

Unfortunately, there are no easy ways in life. All good things come through suffering. In fact the good usually does not exist for the majority, there is only a lifelong pursuit of it, a hope. And then an apathetic old age (if you are lucky, sometimes panic) and death. Man is just a means of production, just like a computer or a machine tool. Used and scrapped.

Some film said it well on this subject:

"The inimitable beauty of the snowflake isn't about you, you're part of the universe's pile of shit."

Relaxed and beautiful life by birthright only. The irony is that those who are lucky enough to be born find it difficult to understand how lucky they are, as there is no sensory experience to compare and verbal information is not suitable for this, they are sometimes not particularly happy about their condition. Sometimes even more of a nightmare than beggars. But on average, the joy/suffering ratio is, of course, much greater for the very rich born than for the pauper. The rich also cry, but the poor cry all the time.

So cultivate the skills of doership, patience and gentleness, and weed out the pointless reverie, the need to break the rules and identity. Two words should form the conceptual core of personality "RIGHT" and "OWN " This guarantees you stability. With such principles and skills, you'll live to a ripe old age, at least you won't go to your death with your hand outstretched.

It's up to you.


My goal is to learn how to create an ATC. And this is a question of logic, mathematics, different empirical and heuristic methods...

Manual trading provides fundamental knowledge, without it, starting and algorithmic air is pointless. It's in the manual trading that skills are honed and the subject learned, when you think for yourself, not when you make a building out of blocks. The time of competitions of advisers passed, that was the time when there was a chance to achieve success with template methods. But everyone says that when a method is used en masse, it stops working, because the market effectively changes. There are a lot of these strategies and you can generate them weekly - the question is trust in them, because they manage the money, besides I noticed that many traders who trade with Expert Advisors are constantly monitoring their work in manual mode. i.e. to draw 10000 candlesticks is only an exercise-test, but it helps to detect the necessary skills, abilities for a trader.

My goal is to learn how to create an ATC. And this is a question of logic, mathematics, various empirical and heuristic methods...

The guy already knows everything, so why are you teaching him :)
and that's how you feel about it, a thought out loud, nothing more.
The guy already knows everything, so why are you teaching him :)

He formulates tasks too correctly, does not react to demotivation, which is quite strange, too small a variance of stupidity in his questions as for a complete beginner. Probably just doing some market research.

Although probably I judge by myself, I didn't have high aim in the beginning, moreover I was preoccupied with local technical problems. And about the structure of brokerage companies, market structure, only recently I started to think seriously.


Candlestick analysis is highly ambiguous. Especially the opener and the cloches. Shift the server's opening time a little bit and it's fucked. The picture is fundamentally different. But by the highs we can think something.

In general, maybe we have the wrong division of the day? Why is it so wrong? Maybe it would be much more convenient to make a second 40% longer, and everything would be symmetrical? Look how illogical it is. 24 hours, 60 minutes. Like the number of pence in the old pound.


Came to a decision, and I divide the candles by GMT, the difference in server time is another confusing factor when working with daily... i look in one terminal, i trade in others..... and then my main broker switched the servers to GMT.... nice :-)

...... at least the days are divided into 4... as the seasons :-) otherwise if it were 100 hours. it would be 12.5 hours a day, 12.5 hours an evening, 12.5 hours a night

On the contrary, I have a suspicion that the decimal number system was introduced from outside...... not for nothing, even computers are 8 bits, 16, 32, 64, etc.

perepel: But I'm good at abstract thinking, solving non-trivial puzzles and the like. It turns me on and fascinates me.

So why are you asking questions like, "Where do I start?"? Get it yourself and work it out. There's a whole carload of advisers here, but you'll be making the final decisions for yourself anyway.

Sorry for being aggressive, I'm usually white and fluffy.

P.S. Damn, for some reason I remembered that I was going to order an extreme sauce from the "total pisser" series - Da Bomb "The Final Answer". Here are a couple of testimonials from those who have tried it:

Tried it! The road to hell has been seen! 6-7 minutes of unforgettable sensations and almost 20 minutes of withdrawal!


I added one tiny drop to the soup, it's something, it's immediate, it's like a sudden ejection from an aeroplane, you can't get enough air. You look like a catfish pulled to the ground. I've never tasted anything like it anywhere. I might add - I eat chilli like a carrot. Thais are surprised.


I know the sauce is hot, but then what's it like? Is the ass on fire? Does it need a milk enema?! [Yeah, I know what it's like to have an ass on fire.]


I second that. This sauce is unbelievable. There's not even a dropper built into the lid, it's a little stick to apply the sauce to the surface, but that's all you need. The effect of licking the sauce is comparable to a severe angina, the sharpness in the throat to the point of pain.


What's incredibly hot in there is pure napalm. I didn't dare do a video tasting. Three drops of this infernal potion caused a terrible fire in my mouth, which I only managed to put out with half a litre of ice milk. It took me about twenty minutes to recover. I think only pure extracts are spicier, but they won't taste as good.

By the way: the spiciest Tabasco is a light pop compared to the sauces from Da Bomb.
Острый соус Da Bomb The Final Answer
Острый соус Da Bomb The Final Answer
  • rarefood.ru
Острейший соус из острейшей серии. Производители серии соусов Da Bomb скорее преуменьшают, чем преувеличивают количество Сковиллей в своих описаниях, поэтому если эти ребята пишут, что там 1,5 млн Сковиллей, то ожидать следует даже бОльшего. В этой бутылочке всего 2 унции (59 мл), но вряд ли Вы захотите есть этот жидкий огонь ложками. Одной...

"The inimitable beauty of the snowflake isn't about you, you're part of the universe's pile of shit."


That's up to you.

Actually, I like your posts, but this one was too much gaumshoe, I could barely keep up.

But here's what I liked, I put in the quote.