Gentlemen, would you like to feed the lawyers?

Don't feed the troll.

Renat, do you want to feed the lawyers?

I assume you bought yourself some high-end cell phones, OpenCL hardware, registered on offshore servers and are now abnormally cool and have no interest in anything? And everyone else is just a minnow that you're going to teach what to do and how to do it?

Here is the opinion of the lawyer I consulted:

It has been established:

  1. According to Article 5 of the Copyright and Related Rights Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the text of the article "Why is the neural network being retrained?" is subject to copyright.
  2. According to Article 10 of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the author of this article is Reshetov Yuriy Vyacheslavovich
  3. According to Article 19 of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights of the Republic of Uzbekistan the author has the right to remuneration for each type of use of his work
  4. According to Art. 18 of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights, the author has non-property rights to the object of copyright and shall retain them even in the case of transfer of exclusive rights to use the work. In this context, it is a question of the author's right to protect his work from any distortion or any other encroachment capable of damaging the honour and dignity of the author. Moreover, under the same article, the author's agreement with anyone and the author's declaration of renunciation of the exercise of non-property rights are null and void.
  5. Pursuant to Article 39 of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights, an agreement between the author of a work and MetaQuotes Software Corp:
    1. Ways of using the work
    2. Amount of remuneration indicated by the author in US dollars
  6. Pursuant to Article 62 of the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act of the Republic of Uzbekistan, MetaQuotes Software Corp. has committed an infringement of copyright:
    1. Infringement of claims for payment of royalties, expressed in public form on the forum of the website owned by MetaQuotes Software Corp. and in private messages on the website.
    2. The use of the work in excess of the authorization obtained under the agreement concluded earlier with the right holder, which had not been fulfilled by MetaQuotes Software Corp. in the part of publishing on the site belonging to the company, both the object of copyright in the form of publishing the work without any royalty payment, i.e. before the moment of executing the agreement terms, and placing and attaching the following message to the work not belonging to the company: "Warning: all the rights to the given materials. Reprint in full or in part is prohibited." which in this case is plagiarism because it means that the company illegally appropriated the copyright and the so called "warning" doesn't mention any property and non-property rights of the author, but it only indicates the copyrights illegally appropriated by MetaQuotes Software Corp. from the author and not owned by him.

There were also revealed other violations including public ones by the employees of MetaQuotes Software Corp. and its director - Renat Fatkhullin who not only failed to stop the illegal actions of his employees but actively assisted their illegal actions:


  1. Public refusal by MetaQuotes' employees Software Corp. to pay royalties for an author's work published on the company's website under the pretext of allegedly installing protection preventing the payment of funds on the website.
  2. Illegal demands to the author to purchase an unnecessary communication device - a mobile phone, which is an attempt to cause additional material damage to the author.
  3. The author's compulsion by the employees of MetaQuotes Software Corp. to commit unlawful acts, in the form of cyber hacking of the money withdrawal protection installed at the company's website, by substituting the phone number with the communication devices of third parties.
  4. Public insults and belittling of the author's honour and dignity, in response to legitimate demands on his part for the payment of the remuneration due to him under the agreement previously made by the parties.

There is no fact that the author exercised his right to withdraw the work.

All facts, evidences and collected materials in electronic form, including those signed by electronic SSL certificate, registered to MetaQuotes Software Corp, issued by Comodo CA Limited on 02.12.2011, serial number 2A:60:DC:C8:15:D6:1F:B7:08:4E:AB:82:7C:65:F0:E3, and the presence of witnesses, collectively, is sufficient to bring claims against MetaQuotes Software Corp. and its employees both to civil and criminal investigatory and court instances of the Republic of Uzbekistan, because the object of both property and non-property copyright belongs to a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as international legal instances, because the plaintiff party is not registered in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Because I am not a villain and I do not need anything, unlike some people, I publicly propose an amicable settlement on the terms:

  1. The MetaQuotes Company pays me the remuneration in the amount I agreed upon. I do not need any extra money. You must give me via a private message the details of your WebMoney wallet, to which I will send an invoice of your company for the previously agreed amount, and pay this same invoice.
  2. Take the remaining amounts from my current account, which were previously allocated by your company in the form of bonuses and handouts. I do not need handouts.
  3. In all the notices to my articles on the sites of your company must be changed and supplemented that your company claims only the exclusive rights and all non-exclusive rights belong to the author of the work.

Apologies neither public nor personal from your side I do not need, because I do not intend to humiliate anyone and cool immense show off, unlike some. Everyone should sort himself with his conscience.

My job is to offer, your job is to refuse.

To comply with these conditions I give 24 hours from the time of publication of this message, which is sufficient to consult with lawyers of your company and make adequate decisions.

If within 24 hours of proposed by me conditions of the settlement agreement will not be met, I sign a contract for services with a lawyer, and draw up on him a power of attorney as my representative with the right to act on my behalf in all instances. I have already been promised money for the court proceedings and I have already agreed on this, as the lawyer has assured me that he will win the case and you, as the losing party, will have to cover all the costs.

If the terms of the settlement are fulfilled, I will publicly in this thread notify everyone that the incident is over.

Please to the administration of this forum, notify the management of the company of the existence of this post, as the counter is on and time has run out.


I give you 24 hours from the date of publication of this message to comply with these conditions, which is enough time to consult with the lawyers of your company and make adequate decisions.

If, within 24 hours, the terms of the settlement agreement proposed by me are not fulfilled, then I sign a service contract with a lawyer, and I draw up a power of attorney for him as my representative with the right to act on my behalf in all instances. I have already been promised money for the court proceedings and I have already agreed on this, as the lawyer has assured me that he will win the case and you, as the losing party, will have to cover all the costs.

If the terms of the settlement are fulfilled, I will publicly in this thread notify everyone that the incident is over.

I ask the administration of this forum, to notify the company's management of the presence of this message, as the counter is on and the time has gone.

Yura , it's a laugh. First of all you won't win. Secondly, you're doing bullshit. There's nothing but Reshetov's a pimp, and there's nothing left. I don't know which one of you is right, but this is bullshit.

Read. Realised that the citizen of Uzbekistan does not have a mobile phone to withdraw/receive the fee. Please send the citizen-author two hundred dollars to the Tashkent Telegraph.

And this is a song on the subject of international legal relations in general:


... the plaintiff's side is not registered on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

... the lawyer assured that he would win the case


Read. Realised that the citizen of Uzbekistan does not have a mobile phone to withdraw/receive the fee. Please send the citizen-author two hundred dollars to the Tashkent Telegraph.

This is a song about international legal relations in general:

I understand that the main problem is the amount, not counting the bullshit about the author's

"pays me a fee for exactly the amount I negotiated."


Yura, shit is not clear, but if the question is a mobile phone, you register my mobile phone in your profile, I do the necessary manipulations, the money comes into your wallet. ?

I understand that the main problem is the amount

"is paying me the exact amount I negotiated."

It's just a legal fringe. It's like, "proud people don't need extra." It's backed up by, "I don't need a handout."

Yura, no shit is not clear, but if the issue is a mobile phone, you register my mobile phone in your profile, I carry out the necessary manipulations, the money comes into your purse. ?

Yep :) Don't force the author! ;) Rjaka

Coercion of the author by the employees of MetaQuotes Software Corp. to commit illegal actions, in the form of cybernetic hacking of the money withdrawal protection installed on the company website, by changing the phone number using communication devices from third parties.


I am safely withdrawing money from to my WebMoney wallet WITHOUT any confirmation to my mobile phone.

It's fun to make a claim on a day off and give a deadline no later than that day off.


Yeah :) Don't force it! ;) hilarious

and I'm going to jail ))

I easily withdraw money from to my WebMoney wallet WITHOUT any mobile phone confirmation.

Nah, it's no fun without billing :)

You must pass me via a private message details of your purse WebMoney, to which I will send an invoice to your company for the previously agreed amount and to pay this same invoice.


It's fun to make a claim on a day off and give a deadline no later than that day off.

Lawyers in the Republic of Uzbekistan have no concept of a "day off". :)