Gentlemen, would you like to feed the lawyers? - page 9


No one goes anywhere without a mobile phone. But without UseNet, FidoNet and the Internet, humanity would be missing a lot of interesting people.

A cellular phone is an anachronism from the times of new Russia. The mobile phone has become a brake on technological progress. For example, mobile companies already tried to crush Skype. And they are still trying to crush many things, as wi-fi and wymax will throw them to the curb of history. For example, the smallsoft company is now pushing a 1 gigabit wifi project. Well, the lobbyists from the cellular companies are throwing a spanner in the works because they're going to be screwed. Then everyone will throw their cell phones in the trash and get at least a tablet.

Of course, it's so convenient

Reborn — Механизм развлечений
Развлекательный портал Reborn - новинки игровой индустрии, фильмы, игровые сервера

No one goes anywhere without a mobile phone. But without UseNet, FidoNet and the Internet, humanity would be missing a lot of interesting people.

The mobile phone is an anachronism from the new Russian times. The mobile phone slows down technological progress. For example, mobile companies have already tried to crush Skype. And they are still trying to crush many things, as wifi and wymax will throw them to the curb of history. For example, the smallsoft company is now pushing a 1 gigabit wifi project. Well, the lobbyists from the cellular companies are throwing a spanner in the works because they're going to be screwed. Then everyone will throw their cell phones in the trash and get at least a tablet.

Don't hang on to the word mobile, get to the bottom of it. A mobile phone is just a device which can be emulated on a computer but a SIM card is an analogue of a credit card.

Soon the mobile network providers will probably switch to SIM-card-based authorization system (just like mobile internet providers already do) which will surely make the mobile network operators bankrupt since they will no longer be in need of their services. However, forward-looking operators are already combining voice and ISP services.

By the way, I have a mobile provider and I solved the problem of "mobile phone always lying around in discharged form" through authorization on the modem's RUIM card (this is an analogue of a CDMA SIM card), and I also receive SMS there.


Yeah, that's nine pages of bullshit. There's no substance to it. If Reshetov enforces his threats, the MC is screwed.

Well, it's about time you got bored.

I came to the forum for my favourite thread Humour (I am addicted to it), but I do not understand why the thread Humour has been renamed a thread about lawyers who want to eat?


Yes, the ISPs will probably soon switch to a SIM card-based customer authorization system (as mobile internet providers have now done), this will probably bankrupt the mobile operators as their services will no longer be needed.

Do not write more of what you do not understand - mobile operators are first and foremost a system of telecommunications, and revenue from mobile subscribers is only a visible part


Yeah, that's nine pages of bullshit. There's no substance to it. If Reshetov enforces his threats, the MC is screwed.

That's ridiculous. You should have stipulated the method of transfer in advance. No chance at all.


I went to the forum for his favorite branch of Humor (chet addicted), I do not understand why the branch of Humor renamed in the branch of lawyers who want to eat?

Do not write more of what you do not understand - mobile operators are first and foremost a system of telecommunications, and revenue from mobile subscribers is only a visible part

Don't tell me what to do and I won't tell you where to go.

SZS 20 years ago, land telecoms had no competitors, but mobile companies came, and all of a sudden the monopoly giants are alive. The constant subsidies from the state and so on, time will pass and the new technology will just as soon negate all the current means of communication.


I have an acquaintance who now works as a lawyer in some firm. I call him and explain the situation. He answers that, with all due respect, until he is personally convinced that I am not stealing someone's money on the internet with his cell phone, he will not accept any SMS. I bring him up to speed. He took a close look at the whole thing and said that I had not stolen the money, i.e. the fee, but that I had earned it honestly. And I was obliged to return the money I had earned on the first demand. He advised me to contact the helpdesk again. I turned, I got a reply that I had to buy a hundred and all and close the ticket, ie do not want to talk. I am still writing to them. The same thing.

Taki jammed his mobile phone comrade?

That's hilarious! What a relief!!! :)))

Uralsky with the "disconnections" is nervously smoking in the sidelines...


Don't tell me what to do and I won't tell you where to go.

SZS 20 years ago, landline telecoms had no competitors, but mobile companies came, and all of a sudden the monopoly giants became almost alive. The constant subsidies from the state and so on, time will pass and new technologies will just as soon negate all of today's means of communication.

and good riddance to you.

if you are interested in the competition between telecom operators, at this stage there is a takeover of telecommunications assets by stronger companies, under what brand does which telecom operator operate, how much ground is buried in the "optics and copper" and on what plot and who owns them, who owns the company in what shares is a trade secret, the state has nothing to do here, it is just a "cash cow" and ruthlessly acquires communication services at fantastic tariffs.

for your point: I have not read the rules of MetaQuotes forum and payment system, but usually after the list of rules and the services provided, a clause appears, saying that the service described is provided as is and shall not be subject to change, the user has the right to agree and use it as is, or just pass by. It is strange if MetaQuotes did not stipulate that.


to Yuri.

Gone are the days when a mobile phone was an image 'touch'. Now you can get a mobile phone for free in addition to a SIM card.

Now I have just such a 'payload' phone. I don't need a show-off - I need communication when I drive a car, I need a means of identifying myself in various services, I need a technical means of receiving various notifications of transactions in my bank and card accounts.

Go and get a mobile phone for free and collect your fee at last.