Gentlemen, would you like to feed the lawyers? - page 3


Generally speaking, entering into a contract presupposes that there is some kind of payment mechanism for the work/services and that the parties agree to use such a mechanism. Therefore, the author should have known and understood the specifics of payment on the website. The fact that he did not discuss the intricacies of his situation and entered into a contract "on general terms" is his problem. In fact, he is demanding an amendment to an already executed contract. This is only possible by mutual agreement between the parties.

Of course, you might as well demand that he bring cash home as there is no possibility of opening a bank account.
The diagnosis was confirmed...

But this has not been implemented yet or I have not come across it, but I was withdrawing more than a thousand from the site as recently as yesterday, so it is unclear what is required by Reshetov

I do not know what the gentlemen from MetaQuotes are demanding.

But the situation is as follows:

Yesterday I received a message that the period of payment for VPS hosting ends and it must be extended, i.e. additional payment. I tried to use my keeper, there is not enough money on my wallets. There's nowhere to get it. You can buy from bargarians, but need a hundred, because bargarians transfer the amount to the keeper with a protection code and appoint a meeting place where you have to come to pay off the money. You come up with the money, call the dealer, he emerges from the alley, takes the money, gives you the protection code.

I don't have a cell phone, or rather an old model with a dead battery, as I hardly ever use it - there's no need. Earlier for connection with criminals borrowed hundred from my brother, but he is away now, i.e. there is no it in city and there is no place to take hundred. I'm scratching my head. I remember that I have money in my MetaQuotes account. I access the site, click on withdrawal, and receive a message that I have to authorize my mobile phone. Again, bummer. I am writing to the support team. They are silent. I write to the forum. I receive an answer:

Find someone with a mobile phone you trust. I think it is easier than changing the payment system for 0.1% of non-standard situations.

I have such an acquaintance, who now works as a lawyer in some firm out there. I call him and explain the situation. He answers that, with all due respect, he will not accept any SMS until he sees for himself that I am not stealing someone's money online using his cell phone. I bring him up to speed. He took a close look at the whole thing and said that I had not stolen the money, i.e. the fee, but that I had earned it honestly. And I was obliged to return the money I had earned on the first demand. He advised me to contact the helpdesk again. I turned, I got a reply that I had to buy a hundred and all and close the ticket, ie do not want to talk. They do not want to talk. I am still writing to them. The same thing.

I call my friend again. So and so. He again repeats that the money is yours and you must get it back as soon as you request it. The debtor has to take care of his own debt and not put obstacles in the way of the creditor. And if the debtor has gone on principle and does not want to repay the debt on some pretext or another, he should be put in his place. To make a long story short, he asked me to wait and today he sent me this statement that was in the first post and named the amount of court fees for his services and all kinds of fees, saying that he would win the case. He advised to bring the debtor up to date on the case, but to offer an amicable settlement, so as not to bring the case to court.


However, your lawyer is a moron.
Your lawyer's a moron, though.
We'll see who the moron is. Time will tell.
Diagnosis confirmed...

Lifelong cycle with nails.

Although okay, I will be merciful (or else I will be accused of being politically incorrect towards Uzbek authors),

a lifelong cyc without nails.


At first I thought it was a joke, and Reshetov got the topic wrong, but now I don't understand, I guess there were different works in school.

Lawyer, creditor, debtor, MQ, obstruction, court - nonsense, all for lack of SIM card, or battery, or lack of WM account?

Or does it get so crazy in Uzbekistan? they tell him about the rules, he tells them about his own problems.


Someone has clearly lost control.

I suggest not engaging in mobbing, and that MetaQuotes, as the party responsible for the emotional state of the MQL community members, find an alternative way to pay the remuneration.

That's a shame... Let's chip in for Jura's phone :)
That's a bummer... Let's chip in for Yura's phone :)

Well, you can chip in, but how will he get it without a phone?

We'll have to send someone to Toshkent for a ceremonial handover and official acceptance into the family ;)