Gentlemen, would you like to feed the lawyers? - page 19


I envy Reshetov - he is really original, and that means something, at least he stands out from the crowd, this energy should be put into the right place....

sabbath, I think the next users who do not recognize the Latin alphabet - passwords in metatrader should be typed solely in English ...


I envy Reshetov - he is really original, and that means something, at least he stands out from the crowd, this energy should be put into the right place....

I think the next in line are users who don't recognize the Latin alphabet - passwords in metatrader should be typed in English only ...

Creativity makes sense when you have a plan to monetize popularity, otherwise it's just stupidity.

Pour petrol over yourself and set yourself on fire in red square. Would that be creative or stupid?

If you want to repeat Reshetov's feat, throw a brick through the windshield of a Bentley.


Creativity makes sense when you have a plan to monetise popularity, otherwise it's just silly.

Pour petrol over yourself and set yourself on fire in red square. Would that be creative or stupid?

If you want to repeat Reshetov's feat, throw a brick through the windshield of a Bentley.

Yeah.))) This story is also reminiscent of Don Quixote of La Mancha. The moment when he was fighting windmills. )))

Creativity makes sense when you have a plan to monetise popularity, otherwise it's just silly.

Pour petrol over yourself and set yourself on fire in red square. Would that be creative or stupid?

If you want to repeat Reshetov's feat, throw a brick through the windshield of a Bentley.

Perhaps you associate the term "creative" with mercantilism, suicide and banal hooliganism? But in fact, it has a completely different meaning.


Nah, you can't do anything in literature without a mobile phone. When Leo Tolstoy said he was barefoot and without a mobile phone, he was immediately anathematised.

So it's no use.

In words - all Leo Tolstoy, but in practice - ... simple (proverb).

Creativity makes sense when you have a plan to monetise popularity, otherwise it's just silly.

Pour petrol over yourself and set yourself on fire in red square. Would that be creative or stupid?

If you want to repeat Reshetov's feat, throw a brick through the windshield of a Bentley.

Don't you think your idea of creativity is akin to self-destruction?

Yuri has originality and creativity, not self-destruction: he created an article, and saw fit to demand original payment for his work


Don't you think your idea of creativity is akin to self-destruction?

Yuri has originality and creativity, not self-destruction: he created an article and saw fit to demand original payment for his work

However, there is a limit to everything. Respect for the leaders of the resource, thanks to whom we create everything we want here, and many receive real help from participants, among whom is yours truly, should be above material benefits.
However, there's a limit to everything. Respect for the leaders of the resource, thanks to whom we do whatever we want here, and many receive real help from participants, among whom is yours truly, should be above material possessions.

Respect should be mutual, like:

- Do you respect me? Eek.

- Respect. Eek.

- And I respect you. Eek.

- Well, let's drink to that, shall we? Eek.

- Let's have a drink. Eek.

Ding. Bulle, bulle, bulle. Chav, chav, chav.

And if the respect isn't mutual, it's called sycophancy.


Tomorrow will mark the week of setting a bewildering and laughable precedent, backed up by your literary work.


Don't you think your idea of creativity is akin to self-destruction?

There is originality and creativity in Yuri's work, not self-destruction: he created an article, and saw fit to demand original payment for his work

Only in relation to Reshetov.

You had to cut off the bough on which you were sitting for people to call him creative.

Do you think his articles will ever get published again? What do you think this is but suicide?