A great method so far - page 34


What is this thread? Advertising? I was expecting to find a system?

What is this thread? Advertising? I was expecting to find a system?

Thats exactly what this thread is about advertising.....Do yourself a favor and forget you even saw this junk....All there is in here is one real dumb idiot (Benjii), One guy being much more political, doing a review and telling the idiot where he is going wrong as politely as possible.....And another guy (ME ) handing out abuse to the idiot.....You will find a number of good things on this site but this is not one of them.



eBay issued a refund btw.


Hi everyone,

I am trading Forex for some years ago after trading futures, but as any real trader knows, it is required to have so much time for trading manually. Unfortunately I don't have time now for trading, but I love it, so I am trying to make the most through the Forex signals marketplaces, called also Forex signals providers.

I found the following Forex signals marketplaces:

ZuluTrade - Forex Online Trading Systems. Autotrade Forex Signals by specialists, Manual Forex Trading, plus rewarding Forex Introducing Broker Program

Collective2 - Find the trading strategy best for you

Home | Rent a Signal

Automated Forex Trading Systems and Signals | MT4 Expert Advisor EA

Tradency - Mirror Trading Platform

I tried by the moment Collective2, Zulutrade and Rent a Signal, and I would like to share my experience with all of you from now on.

What I would like to get from my contribution is just to answer if it is really possible to make money with at least any of these websites and the million dollar question, how to do that.

Do you have any experience with these ones or any other Forex signal marketplace?


eBay issued a refund btw.

HahhaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaahhahahhahahahahWell done Hooya! I love how you have been more political with this guy and love that i get to be the immature abuser

Take that Benjii.......This is how i picture you


Sure will comment if I got something to say !!

Coming here to figure stuff out !!!

Sure will comment if I got something to say !! Coming here to figure stuff out !!!

??? A little random


hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ausie pride and hooya sell methods themselves, my method is being used with great success and im now doing it over skype, many many happy customers...after all, 1 complaint by...yes hooya the member above who's website is associated with a known scammer, my advice is stay well clear of that website.

Just popped back in as another several members contacted me to say about the comments, hahahaha £14 hahahahaha hooya your desperate buddy.

The skype method of comunicating is just brilliant, quick and effective plus the profits are rolling in, everyone happy except the scammer hooya and his site.


Anyone seen therumpledone posts on trading? ...... fantastic, the guy knows what he is talking about, hooya aint got a clue, thats why he has stopped trading hahahahahahahahahaha

i have shoot off now to my customers on skype bye now


You are crazy Benjii, the old owner of the domain 10 years ago before I even too up trading has nothing to do with me. You can go around telling lies if you like. It won't get you anywhere. and it won't punish me. After all I had about tens of thousands more visitors than you last month.

Its is not about me vs you. It is about people being honest about what they sell. You either still don't understand that or don't want to admit it. Either way it is no longer my issue.

And again you are wrong...I do not sell any methods on my site. My site is free.

I agree I like TRO's posts too.

Whilst you hide behind you screen (pretending to trade) I was out and about at the Forex Investor show in London on Friday.....meeting people face to face giving information for free and answering peoples questioins for free and most importantly being honest and trying to save them money.


Hold on everyone.... it will appear any moment now, yes you guessed it, the gimp.


would you like a trading entry point coming up shortly for a big profit? no, ok then. oh yes i understand...you do not trade anymore do you.