A great method so far - page 31

anal is a short nickname for ananomous hahahahaha i was a well respected member on that site UNTIL...................

Yeah noticed you are a banned member usually says something.....And its okay you don't have to make excuses its none of my business what you do with your a$$

I haven't dished out any abuse to you.

Hooya is right i haven't really seen anything that bad come from his mouth he has been quite polite to you.....its me giving you the abuse, and yes cause i like to be a bully Benjii hahahahahaha


my system works and you have not tested it, so how can you complain, no stop losses? i stop the trades myself


I was going to wait until tonight, as you can see its a demo account with $3000 deposited, i could of deposited $5000 but that would not be fair.

I know you can see losses but they were deliberate losses (check it out with the times), I was going to lose more that would leave me with about $500 so you could see that i made it back.

NOW WAIT FOR THE COMMENTS.................

for_hooya.htm  22 kb

As you can see with my last trades, from -8.13 i would of carried on with profit until the close of trades tonight and shown you that it works.

The -1 540.00 went for a couple of days and i was going to let it run more into negative but that would not be fair either would it? Again check the dates and time and where i could of stopped or taken profit.


so you have just shown us a statement of $400-500 loss and you think it proves your 'system' works? That is probably one of the most odd things I have seen you post. Bonkers!

you stop the trades yourself? great but you don't bother telling your purchasers how to do it. Hence why you have not sold what you said you were selling.


56% max drawdowns on closed trades imagine what it would be like on open positions.Crazy

so you have just shown us a statement of $400-500 loss and you think it proves your 'system' works? That is probably one of the most odd things I have seen you post. Bonkers! you stop the trades yourself? great but you don't bother telling your purchasers how to do it. Hence why you have not sold what you said you were selling.

Interesting hooya hahaha do you know what a mouse is bud, like i said i will post the rest tonight.

hey your lucky i didnt lost all the way down to $50 and then bring it back to $10,000 i guess you would say something negative again

is it my grammar again hooya, i told you that i was going to post it up tonight to show you that it works and that the losses were deliberate losses to show you or i could of just carried on with profiting with no losses at all, but that wouldnt be fair would it.

I also told you in here when to trade at least 4 times and i was right.

I will also be showing this proof to ebay, also your review says dont buy save your money, look how much you have lost for those that could of made profit.


you still don't understand. I could test the system...lose £1500 like you did on one trade and then you will refund my £14? You don't see it do it?

Its too late..you sold something that wasn't the truth and that is that.

I don't have any problems with system making a losing trade but it still doesn't hide the fact that £1500 loss on one trade. Your purchasers could have lost even more.

And if I or anyone else followed your one rule on profit target your loss would in fact be even bigger than you posted there!!!


Take a look back to see where i could of taken profit on the -1500 but didnt

you still don't understand. I could test the system...lose £1500 like you did on one trade and then you will refund my £14? You don't see it do it?

No, that would be scamming hooya