Titan's PipWorld - page 11


Hi et phonehome2

I didn't know LeverageFx was still in biz-ness... Yes, I visited their site almost a year ago, may be just a little longer. I have seen their screen shots of the indicators they use and it looks nice indeed.


Hi et phonehome2 I didn't know LeverageFx was still in biz-ness... Yes, I visited their site almost a year ago, may be just a little longer. I have seen their screen shots of the indicators they use and it looks nice indeed. Titan

Unfortunately, LeverageFX can only be used with some other non-free quote system, forget what it is, maybe its eSiginal.



Its a war-zone in here.. GbpJpy hasn't found a bottom as of yet...



I do believe GbpJpy has found a bottom as of today (Wed, Jan 16th 2008) at 206.96... Its about time...



During this waiting period I have been working on a totally new trading method. One where you wait no where near as long as this current method.

It have been a little over 90 days of live trading my long term method and I can clearly see I don't like it. Everthing looked good and was good as far as backtesting (including the first 90 days of live trading) but this waiting around for days, weeks, even months is simply not for me. I need something more active, so I will no longer speak of the longer term trades of which I do believe as stated will continue up with a target of 230.00/232.42 on GbpJpy.



As I mention I have been working on a new trading method. The pic-images below show trades from Jan 17th through today Jan 29th 2008. Not quite sure if the method is ready for me to post these trades on a regular basis.

There's also a third method I have been working on which is a short term trading method as well.

Guess I could post these trades in real time here at fxfisherman and see how this method works out.

To enlarge once pic is fully loaded just click on the image.



Here we go... First, these posted trades over the next few days or weeks are all in testing phase and are only being traded in a demo acct. I'm still creating rules for this method, and the rules are K1 simple...lol

Rule #1: Never change your stop-loss of 150 pips (you can reduce it).

Rule #2: If the trade is not completed within 24hrs of entry, exit out of the trade.

Rule #3: There is no rule number 3, see I told you the rules are simple.

Price Target can change through out the day, so I will not be posting the price target. The method requires me to check the price action constantly which can change our exit point.

Image below shows my pending long trade for GbpJpy.

To enlarge pic once loaded just click on image.



Date: Wed, Jan 30th

Time: 7:21am New York Time

Sorry, but some reason I can't load my pics this morning, but I closed out my GbpJpy 212.75 long trade at 213.09 for +34 pips. I was looking for 75 to 100 pips in the beginning but that changed as the day progressed.

Think I will work on this method for just a little bit longer before I post a new trade.

Ah, here we go.

To enlarge pic once loaded just click on image.



Institutional Bank Style Trading: Balance Point Trading is how the banking institutions and large retail investors make their money. This is how we as well are going to make ours. Welcome to Titan's PipWorld...

lol I'm back... Just when I thought one year plus of trying to modify my long term system couldn't be done then, bam ! This new method shows me something that appears to be a winner (notice I did say, it appears).

I now have a short term Balance Point Method (24hrs) and a longer term Balance Point Method (1 full trading week, meaning from Sunday's open to Friday's close). Where the 24hr method has a stop-loss max 150 pips (of which can be reduced but not increased) and the weekly method has a stop-loss max of 300 pips (of which can be reduced but not increased).

It's a set and forget system (if you wish).

Now, I haven't traded this system in real time only a few trades in demo and only the 24hr method in demo so far. This is the plan, I will start demo testing both method as of Feb 1st (24hr method) then the weekly method as of Feb 3rd which is Sunday.

If you didn't notice the stop-loss on these two systems are far, far smaller than the stop-loss on the old system. So, lets see how this goes for 2 solid months (Feb/Mar).



I'm having a problem as of late with loading my pics and I don't like posting where I got in or out without showing such. ATM I have a pending long trade for GbpJpy but once I figure out why I can't load my pic then I will begin posting.

I think I may have a virus, time to do a virus scan... Sorry but this shouldn't take long.
