Titan's PipWorld - page 5


Update: Thur, Dec 20th 2007

I have added to my GbpJpy position at 225.00

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Update: Thur, Dec 20th 2007

I just closed out all three positions for a loss of : -134 -136 -6 pips

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Update: Thur, Dec 20th 2007

Two new GbpChf positions open at 2.3033

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Update: Thur, Dec 20th 2007

Market is rough this week.

Closed Out GbpChf: -118 -118 pips



Update: Thur, Dec 20th 2007

Back in with two GbpJpy open trades at: 224.35 224.33

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Update: Fri, Dec 21st 2007

Still holding my two long positions on GbpJpy. I do not see an exit point for at least a week, may be even two weeks. Things right now look slow for this particular trade signal. So, we wait and enjoy some positive interest into our accts.



Update: Fri, Dec 21st 2007

Getting signals that GbpJpy will pull back next week, so I decided to close out my trades and re-enter at a later point.

Closed Out: Long GbpJpy 224.35 at 226.07: +172 pips

Closed Out: Long GbpJpy 224.33 at 226.07: +174 pips

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p.s. once the new year starts I will reset the demo-acct one last time and from there I will keep a posted track record of all trades.


The method in which I trade is called, Balance Point Trading. It tracks the actual tru-value of a given currency, then trades the imbalances of that particular currency pair until the balance point (tru-value) has been achieved.

I will reset my demo-acct Sunday instead of waiting for Jan 08. This will be the last time I reset the demo-acct and all trades will be posted. If you follow along in a demo or real acct please listen to the following rules.

1.) Reduce your unit size accordingly:

2,500 usd accts reduce your unit size to micro: 0.01

25,000 usd accts reduce your unit size to mini: 0.10

250,000 usd accts reduce your unit size to one standard lot: 1.00

This is a long term trading strategy where a trade can take days, weeks or even months.

I will post more about the method at a later time.



The method in which I trade is called, Balance Point Trading. It tracks the actual tru-value of a given currency, then trades the imbalances of that particular currency pair until the balance point (tru-value) has been achieved.

The only currency pair we'll be trading is GbpJpy and so to keep positive interest in our accts we will only trade Buy-Signals (yes, we could trade both Buy and Sell Signals but I don't like looking at negative interest, especially when the market has moved against me and I'm waiting for my exit).

May be, at some later point (months down the rode) I will add an additional currency pair but for now GbpJpy will do the job of producing plenty of pips and lots of excitement.


p.s. please read above post #49 if you have not


I meant to say, Institutional Bank Style Trading. Balance Point Trading is how the banking institutions and large retail investors make their money.

Now, you might ask how do I know..lol Good question and the answer is, I don't know for sure since I have never worked for a bank, nor looked over the shoulders of a large retail investor like Warren Buffet or Bill Gates. However, from what I have read in books and magazine articles these individuals invest their dollars (which includes forex investments) based on a medium to long term value system.

One article I read stated that the big banks and large retail investors when considering a trade in forex, won't invest in a currency move for anything less than 100 pips. And that their stop-losses can be as large as 300 to 750 pips per trade.

Interesting, huh...
