Titan's PipWorld - page 10


Institutional Bank Style Trading: Balance Point Trading is how the banking institutions and large retail investors make their money. This is how we as well are going to make ours. Welcome to Titan's PipWorld...

Date: Tue, Jan 08th 2008

Time: 7:20am New York Time

Today's Performance:

Starting Balance: 25k Demo-Acct

Current Balance: 25,295.18

Current Equity: 20,241.14

Gain: +374 pips

Loss: -53 pips

Total pips earned: +321 pips

Number of trades: 4

Number of wins: 3

Number of losses: 1

Consective wins:3

Consective losses:0

Interest Earned:$-27.83


Largest Gain on a single trade:+213 pips

Largest Loss on a single trade:-53 pips

Largest Peak to Valley DrawDown: -1328 pips

Today's Trades:

Closed Out: GbpJpy 214.97 at 217.10: +213 pips

Outlook: GbpJpy and UsdJpy will continue to head upward over the next few weeks.

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Recap: The method in which I trade is called, Balance Point Trading. It tracks the actual tru-value of a given currency pair, then trades the imbalances of that particular currency pair until the balance point (tru-value) has been achieved.

This method I developed (Balance Point Trading) has nothing to do with pivot-points or s/r points; however, such and other technical indicators can be used to help track the tru-value.

Due to this method being a value trading system there are going to be small to large moves against one's position due to the imbalances working themselves out of the market place. Such a system requires one to reduce their unit size and be ready to wait days, weeks even months before the projected tru-value price target is reached.


Date: Tue, Jan 8th 2008

Time: 8:50am New York Time

Note: GbpJpy can still drop to 212.02/212.25 to finish out the downside

move. GbpJpy must climb to at least 220.25 to be safe from further downside risk.

GbpJpy current position: 215.87





Dear Titan

In January 2007 a number of institutional traders

threatened the Forex Live-on-the-News service,

leaned on their high-level contacts to cut off our

news feed (for 48 hours), and threatened both us

and our marketing partners commercially and even

physically - with verbal threats of violence.

Why are institutional level professional traders

so threatened by us?

Without a doubt, the number one reason is


Our system of trading Forex is producing

tremendous results... for us, for each of our

subscribers in the trading room, and for large

managed accounts that we handle.

They fail to realize that competition is LEGAL and

part of the American way -- free enterprise


They want all the spoils for themselves, and when

they feel like somebody is treading on "their

turf"... like spoilt children they go running to

others to get us "banned from the playground".


Kinda funny don't you think. Anyone else get this email from forexmastermaker.com


Date: Tue, Jan 8th 2008

Time: 9:21pm New York Time


Starting Balance: 25k Demo-Acct

Current Balance: 25,295.18

Current Equity: 19,413.09

Gain: +374 pips

Loss: -53 pips

Total pips earned: +321 pips

To enlarge pic once loaded just click on image.



Institutional Bank Style Trading: Balance Point Trading is how the banking institutions and large retail investors make their money. This is how we as well are going to make ours. Welcome to Titan's PipWorld...

Date: Wed, Jan 9th 2008

Time: 9:54am New York Time

Outlook: GbpJpy looks really for a retest of 213.46 set on Jan 4th 2008, if so I will look to Buy at 213.50.

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Trade like a Banker, what a scary thought. lol


Institutional Bank Style Trading: Balance Point Trading is how the banking institutions and large retail investors make their money. This is how we as well are going to make ours. Welcome to Titan's PipWorld...

Date: Thur, Jan 10th 2008

Time: 10:15am New York Time

Performance Update:

Starting Balance: 25k Demo-Acct

Current Balance: 25,196.55

Current Equity: 18,735.19

Gain: +377 pips

Loss: -153 pips

Total pips earned: +224 pips

Number of trades: 6

Number of wins: 4

Number of losses: 2

Consective wins:3

Consective losses:0

Interest Earned:$-30.24


Largest Gain on a single trade:+213 pips

Largest Loss on a single trade:-100 pips

Largest Peak to Valley DrawDown: -1328 pips

Today's Trades:

Closed Out: Hedge Trade: Sell AudCad .8845 at 8945: -100 pips

Closed Out: Hedge Trade: Sell ChfJpy 98.43 at 98.40: +3 pips

Comments: My backtested hedge trades are not working out as planned and I have three more hedge trades open atm. They are all under water in a major way. Will keep you up to date on the trades, most likely the stop-loss will get hit today or tomorrow, its very close. If these last three hedge trades all get hit then all hedging will come to a stop until better backtesting and forward testing on hedging can be conducted. As for the Balance Point Trades, everything is doing fine.

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Institutional Bank Style Trading: Balance Point Trading is how the banking institutions and large retail investors make their money. This is how we as well are going to make ours. Welcome to Titan's PipWorld...

Date: Thur, Jan 10th 2008

Time: 2:00pm New York Time

Performance Update:

Starting Balance: 25k Demo-Acct

Current Balance: 24,898.00

Current Equity: 17,838.39

Gain: +377 pips

Loss: -453 pips

Total pips earned: -76 pips

Number of trades: 9

Number of wins: 4

Number of losses: 5

Consective wins:3

Consective losses:3

Interest Earned:$-32.65


Largest Gain on a single trade:+213 pips

Largest Loss on a single trade:-100 pips

Largest Peak to Valley DrawDown: -1328 pips

Today's Trades:

Closed Out: Hedge Trade: Sell AudCad .8904 at .9004: -100 pips

Closed Out: Hedge Trade: Sell AudCad .8925 at .9025: -100 pips

Closed Out: Hedge Trade: Sell AudCad .8945 at .9045: -100 pips

Comments: Yes, I will hold off on placing any more hedges from this point and stick to my Balance Point Trades.

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Update: Pending trade 213.50 GbpJpy was cancelled. GbpJpy did go as low as 213.55 but did not reach my Buy-signal of 213.50.

Hopefully, GbpJpy has put in a bottom and is now ready to head north to 221.00/223.00 levels.



Date: Fri, Jan 11th 2008

Time: 4:56am New York Time

I wake up this morning and GbpJpy has fallen to new lows for the week. I'm not feeling to good atm. Huuummm.... No choice but to ride this out.



The only info I could find on Balance Point ..... was from LeverageFX which has some nice free videos to view how to use it, it is based upon their charting software.