Titan's PipWorld - page 13


Update: Mon, Feb 4th 2008

Time: 8:23am New York Time

I can see that channel trading is a method you can't turn your back on, here are a few more losses from trades on GbpJpy. Also note that the balance you see is from the Feb 1st 2008.

I will hold off from posting new trades for a few hours and go over my closed trades to see what can be learned with this newly devised method.

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Date: Mon, Feb 4th 2008

Time: 10:40am New York Time

I looked over my trades and made some adjustments to increases win/loss ratio. Here's a pic of my latest trade on GbpJpy.

Entry: 211.28 Exit: 210.53 +75 pips

To enlarge pic once loaded just click on image.



Okay, I'm making a slight change here. I won't attempt trading other currencies until I have fully master GbpJpy. I seem to trade GbpJpy better than other currencies anyway.

I did close out my EurUsd trade for a loss ( -29 pips ) as shown on my blog and I will delete that post soon so that only GbpJpy trades will be posted there.

So, here at fxfisherman you will see demo trades and on my blog site you will see live trades.


p.s. My blog link: FXPIPTITAN


Date: Tues, Feb 5th 2008

Time: 12:25am New York Time

All open trades at this time.

To enlarge pic once loaded just click on image.



Date: Tues, Feb 5th

Time: 9:12am New York Time

Here's a late update on my trades, give me one sec and I will give you a current update.

To enlarge pic once loaded just click on image.



Date: Tues, Feb 5th 2008

Time: 9:18am New York Time

Closed Out: GbpUsd at 1.9718: -10 pips

Closed Out: GbpJpy 211.98 short at 212.07: -9 pips

Closed Out: GbpJpy 211.52 short at 210.30: +122 pips

Closed Out: GbpJpy 210.55 short at 210.27: +28 pips

Two CadJpy shorts still open with stop set at 107.54 for both.

To enlarge pic once loaded just click on image.


p.s. I will update my blog once both CadJpy trades are closed.


Date: Tues, Feb 5th 2008

Time: 10:14am New York Time

Here's the CadJpy update.

Closed Out: CadJpy 107.54 short at 106.24: +128 pips

Closed Out: CadJpy 107.38 short at 106.25: +113 pips

To enlarge pic once loaded just click on image.


p.s. No open trades at this time.

p.s.s. Blog link for updates on live trades: FXPIPTITAN


No Open Trades ATM... I will look to begin trading again this evening between 5pm and 9pm New York Time.



Date: Wed, Feb 6th 2008

Time: 8:28pm New York Time

Open Buy Position on GbpJPy @ 208.52

Open Buy Position on GbpJpy @ 208.45: I just added this position

Open Buy Position on EurJpy @ 155.40: I just added this position as well



Date: Thur, Feb 7th 2008

Time: 12:03am New York Time

Quick Update on all open positions. Click on pic image.

To enlarge pic image once loaded just click on image.
