Harmonic Analysis - page 102

It is always easy to be clever after the fact, so I am wondering what your conclusions are for the future?

One thing I spot on the CD leg, there was an ABCD, but I think would you have taken that would have not got filled. This is an unfair business from any side you look.

Probably previous low for a stop would have been an option, but RR and the size of the risk on silver? Any conclusion of yours around entry and risk reduction, could help, so please comment.

i wonder ,particularly on glod,silver,.., if big players expecting us,particular traders : dont you feel like they fish us?


I feel it, maybe its a psychological problem, but I feel it when US prints or does not print, When the BOJ, Swiss Bank, BOA desides something or anythging like that happens. The same for wars, disasters, not to mention the news. My favorit is (less risky then silver though) check out the GBP trades..most then not there is a spike before you would get the benefit. You better check that before entering, or even better if you find out this is the case, wait for it. But may be it is my subjective oppinion, do not believe it, just check it.

But if your trade was good basically, then the best thing you can do is look for potential causes you can change for the next time, and learn from that. That is the only thing we can do something about, and nothing about stop hunting neither about politics.


USDJPY-H4/D1 - looks very messy to me, but no doubt there is a butterfly forming at an external 61,8 fib retracement from a bigger implulse leg. Also these are coming together at an X level of former Gartley. Worthwile to check out at least from different angles. Unfortunately the current butterfly has no confluence with the bigger HPs PRZ, that would double the chances of it.

Anybody sees other patterns or other fib confuences / additional S/R zones with this smaller butterfly?

Please comment.


UsdChf H4 bat at completion?


EurUsd H4 potential butterfly - in accordance with UsdChf picture?

Hopefully HPs are prepared for any news

It is too bad we (I) cannot spot the B level on the way from C to D, Carney called it a BAMM move, a rush from breaking that level to the D point. When it happens usually earns the money much quicker, one will risk on the way back from D of the HP.


USDCHF H4 ...is this dragon stuffed...o will its tail reach 1.0XA...

usdchfh41.png  72 kb
USDCHF H4 ...is this dragon stuffed...o will its tail reach 1.0XA...

Oh boy, oh boy... this is what I am selling now...as a bat on the same TF! I hope that is what dragons do best, develop into another HP. You definitely got to the tail of the dragon, which is great! Lets see, at least I am in BE on my bear bat now. I have entered @ 0.9376.

I hope that is what dragons do best, develop into another HP. .

i experciend that ...for example before deep crab finsh leg CD , there is on way another potential D' pivot from AB=CD'


AUDUSD time frame 1H.

78.6% swing YZ

70.7% swing XY from Z

if AUDUSD will go up:

88% swing YZ

78.6% swing XY from Z

audusd.gif  22 kb

70.7% swing XY from Z

78.6% swing XY from Z

hi carbonmimetic

why do you favor these time ratio,specially in this case...and whats going happen.