Critique my Holy Grail idea - page 7


Yesterday I hit my winner on my 4th trade and my 5th trade consecutively.

I was down about 1% over the course of 24 hours and made it all back plus a small profit.

No, I don't have huge losing streaks. Usually I win within 1-5 trades. I have been winning ever since I started this experiment.

Yes the casino has terrible odds. Unless it's poker, then you can create your own odds to an extent.



Last night I nailed down 7 winners out of 10.

I entered EUR/USD mid trend for some small scalps. GBP/JPY was my second long bet, which paid off nicely.

eurusd.jpg  134 kb
gbpjpy.jpg  120 kb


Do you have set SL & TP or it changes from trade to trade?

Do you have set SL & TP or it changes from trade to trade?

The stop loss is a reversal, which can change from trade to trade.

The take profit target is loosely set on each trade based on pivots/S&R. Also, if I've lost more than a few trades in a row, my goal is to hit breakeven, PLUS a small profit (5-20pip past B/E point), then I close the position at a net gain. This stops the losing streak dead in it's tracks. Lately I have not exceeded more than 4 losing trades in a row.

I need to work on my exit if there is anything needing to be tweaked. But so far it seems to work.

The stop loss is a reversal, which can change from trade to trade.

The take profit target is loosely set on each trade based on pivots/S&R. Also, if I've lost more than a few trades in a row, my goal is to hit breakeven, PLUS a small profit (5-20pip past B/E point), then I close the position at a net gain. This stops the losing streak dead in it's tracks. Lately I have not exceeded more than 4 losing trades in a row.

I need to work on my exit if there is anything needing to be tweaked. But so far it seems to work.

For exit I use trendline that is parallel to the previous slope

For exit I use trendline that is parallel to the previous slope

What if you entered a trade which ended up going flat, aka no trend? Where do you exit?



What if you entered a trade which ended up going flat, aka no trend? Where do you exit?

SL takes care of the's either or....


Quick Update:

I have only traded a few hours this week and I'm already +.005% (Half a percent of account).

October 5th-November 5th my return was 6%. I think I can surpass this return. I'm going to attempt to double it up to 10-12%. Nay Sayers step down!! Haha.

My big trade last night was GBP/USD. Not sure what fueled the MASSIVE short, but it was some kind of technical break I hear, as there was no GBP news or USD news at the time of the break.

Pava: Did you nail that short too? Hope so

I will post my chart.


Quick Update:

Took too many trades this week. Account bounced from +.005% to -1% and I kept making errors, like falling asleep at the controls and missing my take profit points. . . .

I can now say one of my worst weeks is behind me, which resulted in NO loss. Completely flat after all the trades I took, except had I not missed the 134 TP on eur/jpy short into thursday morning, I would be UP about .005%.

Oh well, I'm flat. And it's due to human failure, not my system or rules. A person must sleep at times too...



This week's gain: +1.29%

I plan on scaling up my leverage to a starting size of 1$/pip. Yes, risky, but I have an added extra backup "safety valve." It's a complex decision making flow-chart which will enable me to cut loss FAST while also taking the signals and letting profits run. I can't say much more about it, because this is most certainly the missing puzzle piece I needed. Same system, same signals, but now I have a way to use stops, partial take-profit, and allowing profit to run.

In addition, this flowchart will simplify exit criteria, since before I only had a very LOOSE exit strategy. It worked, but it didn't maximize profit.

I like the idea of controlling my trading decisions so that they are stress free, cut and dry. It should enhance my system of trading.