Critique my Holy Grail idea - page 6


Wow. Impressive.

I think my odds may be better than roulette. I've heard that every 1600 turns or something it's quite possible to hit a losing streak of 15 spins!

Another thing. With roulette, the casino starts you at the minimum bet then caps the bet, was that hard to work with? I have more flexibility in trading fortunately, otherwise I wouldn't even attempt.

jlgardner263: Yeah I kind of have been doing the 30 point limit roughly.

So if I lost 40 pips, I shoot to make atleast 25, because 20 is only break even. But then again I'm trying to scoop up as many pips possible.

So I need to perfect my exits a little more to max out my gains. But currently I am always winning by locking in gains, and in some cases it does reverse! and very quickly!

I won't be trading much this week. I just got oral surgery, removal of wisdom teeth. I was awake during surgical removal of impacted teeth! talk about an interesting experience...Time for Vicodin


Update: Back into the game this week, yet another successful week.

I'm up about 1% and ended my trading early for the week on Wednesday. A lot of the moves were not fully capitalized on, which I'm still working on perfecting. It's difficult to trade 7 pairs around the clock, so I'm happy to have a profit and be positive yet again. Huge returns are not my goal...I have to keep in mind that my goal is small consistent and compounded returns....They will add up, slowly but surely. Patience is a virtue!

Ok, now for some charts of what happened on my indicators and the patterns I saw this week.

e_u_chart.jpg  137 kb
e_j_chart.jpg  123 kb
... it's tedious, boring, and hardly even worth the work on such a small account.


I believe George Soros once said, "if you're having fun trading, you're probably not making any money."

Go back to your first post, and don't change a thing. It's only a matter of time before .01 turns to .10, and then to 1.00 and so on...

Stop optimizing; it will kill you in the long run.



does that indicator on the bottom repaints?


I believe George Soros once said, "if you're having fun trading, you're probably not making any money."

Go back to your first post, and don't change a thing. It's only a matter of time before .01 turns to .10, and then to 1.00 and so on...

Stop optimizing; it will kill you in the long run.

Ok, I will take your advice and quit optimizing this. It already works as is, I might as well not screw it over. Small returns are better than NO returns I guess.

Good news: I may have an investor on-board to join me as a business partner! He likes my strategy and returns. I could see this as the start of something much bigger. I know a few others who would probably invest if I can prove that I can pull at least 2% per month consistently. So far that has been a breeze!

The first investor might be able to throw 150k at it, so a 2% return would be 3k per month, which I could actually live off of. Second guy has 150k+, and the third guy has 50-100K. All together I can pool 350k-400k potentially. I've got 3 years of total trading and have had good periods and bad periods, but the main reason for the bad periods was because I was trying to achieve a huge return beyond 250% a year.

I can do a small risk and small return style, however it's only suitable on a large fund in order to make a living.

I do give trade signals to my friend who is one of the potential investors, and he already pays me in lump sums for my advice...So I have a track record with him

Pava: Indicator doesn't repaint, None of my indicators repaint. MT4 indicators tend to repaint, so I don't use MT4 for charting only for orders.

Ok, I will take your advice and quit optimizing this. It already works as is, I might as well not screw it over. Small returns are better than NO returns I guess.

Good news: I may have an investor on-board to join me as a business partner! He likes my strategy and returns. I could see this as the start of something much bigger. I know a few others who would probably invest if I can prove that I can pull at least 2% per month consistently. So far that has been a breeze!

The first investor might be able to throw 150k at it, so a 2% return would be 3k per month, which I could actually live off of. Second guy has 150k+, and the third guy has 50-100K. All together I can pool 350k-400k potentially. I've got 3 years of total trading and have had good periods and bad periods, but the main reason for the bad periods was because I was trying to achieve a huge return beyond 250% a year.

I can do a small risk and small return style, however it's only suitable on a large fund in order to make a living.

I do give trade signals to my friend who is one of the potential investors, and he already pays me in lump sums for my advice...So I have a track record with him

Pava: Indicator doesn't repaint, None of my indicators repaint. MT4 indicators tend to repaint, so I don't use MT4 for charting only for orders.

If people are willing to invest in a martingale strategy then they are quite stupid. Yes, take their money, they deserve it.

Seriously, all Martingale strategies are doomed to failure, so I hope you are joking. These guys sound like loansharks and knees break easily.

Seriously, all Martingale strategies are doomed to failure, so I hope you are joking. These guys sound like loansharks and knees break easily.

Well yes, martingale WILL fail in the casino, because the casino has the edge and the casino also sets the rules, min/max etc. I think you're over generalizing when you say, "Seriously, all Martingale strategies are doomed to failure."

I don't know why I'm bothering to even explain it to you! The only way martingale betting works, is when you ALREADY have an edge. I don't ever remember having a winning streak this long, nor did I ever have a powerful setup with defined money management!

Why do you think this is a joke? I have statistics to back it up.

Read and weap...

Percentage of winning trades


Total Winning Trades:


I don't need to win 100% of the time to make money. A slight edge is all I need to make money.

I'm ignoring all future posts, unless you add some significant value to the thread. At this point all testing confirms that this will continue to provide small steady returns. It looks like my return will be 25%+ as high as 50% per year.

Most hedge funds are all in the red. So as long as I keep a slow steady return, I should technically have more investors throwing money at me. I've got one for sure right now, so I can build my record.

After all, my goal is to build a profitable track record using my system and then take it even bigger. The sky is the limit.



The only thing that sucks about Martingale is when you win with the first bet...Sometimes I can hardly keep myself from crying...

The only thing that sucks about Martingale is when you win with the first bet...Sometimes I can hardly keep myself from crying...

Yes, and that sucks sometimes! Although I can't complain about always pulling a net profit. If I can always win, I shouldn't complain, since 90%+ are losing their shirts everyday!

I have a eur/usd chart from last night's trading. Wonderful short. I also shorted AUD/ hell of a short!!! charts attached.

euro_trades.jpg  143 kb
audjpy.jpg  137 kb


Yes, and that sucks sometimes! Although I can't complain about always pulling a net profit. If I can always win, I shouldn't complain, since 90%+ are losing their shirts everyday! I have a eur/usd chart from last night's trading. Wonderful short. I also shorted AUD/ hell of a short!!! charts attached.

Was it the first bet, second, third?....I tried black jack and rullette...doesn't work...but with trading it is different...I don't have huge loosing streaks as in casino....