Critique my Holy Grail idea - page 10


It's on a 1M timeframe, but you could use it on any TF probably.

Any other questions? Let me know

Edit: I did modify this system about a month ago. I may need to explain it more in depth possibly.


Serious gains tonight...

Just checking in to post a +7% gain...and part of it is floating and should amount to 10%+...This is the personal account.

The account with less risk, the "business account" is up a negligible amount (this is the account I nickel and dime the market to make 5% monthy or so, to build track record).

I am on almost 2 weeks of pure winning (NO losing trades). Overall something like 80% win.

Here is what tonight looks like, and the 1.2265 "pivot" I'm using for this week....PS: WOW has the euro dropped, what an exciting market it has been to trade these past few months. How long can we go?!


As you can see, 53 consecutive wins recently. Hopefully I can continue that win streak. If not, that's okay, I can take a few losses just fine and continue growing.


Where I'm at now..

Some drawdowns last week, max of 5%, but I'm back to where I was a couple of weeks ago.

Hopefully this week I blow past the highs in my account and make some new ground


An okay week. +1.3% and rising up slowly.

Took a sweet long on gbp/jpy a couple days ago. Violated trade plan by cutting it short (in small profit). I left 50-100 pips on the table, although my target was 136 I knew I was getting greedy.


Not an underdog anymore...

Had a better than usual week last week *thumbs up*


My opinion..

Martingale strategies are not trading, they are gambling!

as soon as you "double up" you are violating every moneymanagement rule in the book. I would advise against it HEAVILY!

one losing streak, and you are done.. kaput!

hope this helps..

My opinion..

Martingale strategies are not trading, they are gambling!

as soon as you "double up" you are violating every moneymanagement rule in the book. I would advise against it HEAVILY!

one losing streak, and you are done.. kaput!

hope this helps..

You are right. I tested martingale strategy, no way.

This is gambling.


Wow!This is the greatest system I have even seen before! Because I dont believe a EA can make money on 1M TF! I think use the H1 or aboveTF to trade is the only profitable way!


Hope last night went good for you all. I was looking for a long on EU, but 1H was suggesting a pull back and around 4:50am CST the system was suggesting a short also. After I shorted I set stops and alerts, slept for a good 8 hours and closed around 12:30/1pm. I admit I awoke in a panic, since I had assumed I probably got stopped and didn't hear the alert go off....quite the opposite

I can say after last night's win, I do not need to trade the rest of the week. Well, I will still trade, but much smaller sizes. Some times you need to go short on cockiness, and long on caution...when you're up nicely!

There's a lot more I should explain. I've made some changes. Ikeep 2 accounts, 1 for high risk and the other for low risk. Yes if you look at that chart on this post I made 33% profit on my high risk account (this is RISK capital, meaning I can live without it, so don't whine about gambling, I KNOW I am gambling on this account!).

Right now I'm listening to the Pogues...if anyone out there enjoys good irish folk!



PS: I am short from 1.2263.