Suggestion to forum admins



I see we have different types of member - junior members, members, Moderators etc. I am curious to know how one moves or is promted between the member types - is it based on the number of posts or something?

Hi I see we have different types of member - junior members, members, Moderators etc. I am curious to know how one moves or is promted between the member types - is it based on the number of posts or something?

I looked on the software help topic in admin control panel. I mean that this forum based on the vBulletin's software. So, it is written: "vBulletin's user system moves users based on last visit date, join date and post count".

Personally I can not change users' system moving rules. I am not able to change. I think that it is in default settings as described above if an other admin did not change it.

I do not know about moderators exactly but administrators are the different subject not related to this movement system.


You become a 'member' at 30 posts. So cardio, you are almost there. I think 'senior member' is 100 posts.

I haven't seen any adjustments based on how long you have been a member or your last visit, etc. but maybe that just hasn't kicked in yet since the site is still only 10 weeks old.


To NewDigital...

Hi New,

in the thread "Astro" you mentioned about "Analytics section".

I cannot find it. Would you tell me how to get to it?


Hi New,

in the thread "Astro" you mentioned about "Analytics section".

I cannot find it. Would you tell me how to get to it?


It is here.


Thanks a lot.


Sujestion to NewDigital or other forum admins

Newdigital i can't send private pm's. I have 50, and didn't use none so far, but there is always a message that says "You have reached your stored private message quota and can not send any further messages until space has been created." Can you clear this please? Thanks in advance!

Sorry to post this here, feel free to delete this..


We will try to fix it.

We will try to fix it.



Should be fixed now.

Should be fixed now.

Is all good now, thank you