Suggestion to forum admins - page 55


Just to avoid confusing and to remind the rules about evaluation section:

1. Evaluation thread is related to tsd forum, not for advertisement and not for selling any products.

2. No any first-post link or email address of the vendor should be placed on evaluation thread. All the discussion/talking etc should be inside tsd evaluation thread.

3. It is responsibility of the vendor to provide all necessary information for tsd members to be ready to evaluate the product such as trial version to try and other information.

4. The vendor is accepted to sell his product in normal commercial thread based on positive comments on evaluation thread.

If the vendor do not agree personally about anything concerning to his recent/future commercial activity on TSD related to moderators and forum admins - he can ask/post an opinion etc using those 2 threads:




Please remember - the members can critisize moderators/admins of the forum without being affraid to be banned for that.


Any broker can have 1 thread on brokers section (if for free). One thread per broker. If more - go to Contact Us form and ask/pay for banner or any. Second/3rd etc thread for same broker should be deleted, or merged to be '1 thread per broker'.

If some problems/issues - go to Contact Us form and send a message to moderators/admins on 'General Site Feedback'.

Besides, any broker can have 1 thread on this section Analytics to post analytics, not an advertisements. Content should be mainly uploaded directly to our forum (most part of it).

The best analytics threads (and good threads too) are promoted in many social networks by tsd team.

Just for information.


NewDigital advised me to post my request here ... so i do so!

Since few months, and about each week, my signature is removed by moderators. In the last moderation, even the BBcode was disable.

If I am doing something wrong, it would be honest to remove the similar signatures of all members ... not only mine.

Thank you for your comments.


Thank you ND for your answer. So that confirms that my signature was in full accordance with the forum policy.

I would like now the BBcode (which was deactivated in the last moderation) to be reactivated so my hyperlink will be active. This isn't not the case since few days.

Thank you.


Try to edit your signature by yourself as I have no idea how to delete hyperlink from the text - forum software is placing the link automatically in case of ... it is links for example.

If not possible - let me know here.

Try to edit your signature by yourself as I have no idea how to delete hyperlink from the text - forum software is placing the link automatically in case of ... it is links for example. If not possible - let me know here.

I can edit my signature with no problem. But links are disabled. See attached pic.

Thank you.

bbcode.gif  15 kb

Moderators (incl myself) can not change it. It is the forum settings.

As I am informed (if not - I am sorry) - there are few internal groups of members: sponsors who are paying (brokers' representatives for example), members (dividing onto some sub-groups as seniour members etc), moderators (incl myself) and system admins.

I remember ... it was 1 or 2 years ago when I requested from management to have "html and video code" as on ... and they did it but for moderators only.


By the way, there is some decision going on to be taken: members will have internal links only in signature. For example: links to tsd forum threads only. Decision is not taken yet ...

just an example:

when I am promoting Metaquotes on tsd facebook so I am promoting their tsd forum thread only (where they are placing the link to their website), and I am not directly promoting their external website.

So, same logic will be soon for whole the forum for signature ... except sponsors' group ... may be ...

Moderators (incl myself) can not change it.

No. This is an individual permission setting (for each member) in the back office of the forum. It was deactivated for me few days ago ... If you look at yours, it is activated (links are active).

Thank you.

No. This is an individual permission setting (for each member) in the back office of the forum. It was deactivated for me few days ago ... If you look at yours, it is activated (links are active). Thank you.

Moderators can not change it (at least I can not change it). I think - it was changed for some group of members. Mine is acticated because I requested to activate it for whole the moderators some time ago.


if I am doing something so I am trying to do it publicly. So, if I change your settings - I will say about it.


Let's wait for the decision about "members will have internal links only in signature".

Moderators can not change it (at least I can not change it). I think - it was changed for some group of members. Mine is acticated because I requested to activate it for whole the moderators some time ago.


if I am doing something so I am trying to do it publicly. So, if I change your settings - I will say about it.


Let's wait for the decision about "members will have internal links only in signature".

Ok. Let's wait.

Anyway, it's very unfair and dishonest from one of the moderators to have blocked me like this while 1'000's of members still have their signature with activelinks. Like you said, I was absolutely not violating any forum rules with my original signature.