Suggestion to forum admins - page 51


Relocated Thread (FXCM -vs- DCFX Spread Challenge)

Can the moderator explain why the FXCM -vs- DCFX Spread Challenge thread was moved to the Commercial section of the forum, when there was nothing commercial about the thread?

The thread was a comparative visual presentation between two broker's trading platform and open for discussion about why differentials in Spreads exist between what are supposed to be two similar Retail FX Trading platforms. The thread made no sales pitch directed at either trading platform, and only showed that the spread differential between what FXCM offered was often times 600% greater than that of another brokers platform.

The fact that FXCM's spreads were at times 600% greater, was not intended as an endorsement for FXCM, nor the other broker shown in the video. The thread was started in response to Jason Rogers, of FXCM, who indicated that a previously posted video showing FXCM spreads from 100% to 200% greater than another retail FX broker, was recorded at a time when market liquidity was low and not at peak volume. I simply recorded a SECOND video that showed not only were FXCM spreads higher than another Retail FX Broker, but in fact up to 6 times higher at times.

So, if we can't have serious discussions about matters so integral to the potential success of FX Retail Traders, such as the spread differential between Retail FX Brokers without those threads being tossed into the Commercial section of the forum, then what kinds of other discussion topic that deal with the issue of Spreads are deemed non-commercial by the Moderator here at Forex-TSD?

Some guidance on that would be helpful. Thanks.

Can the moderator explain why the FXCM -vs- DCFX Spread Challenge thread was moved to the Commercial section of the forum, when there was nothing commercial about the thread?


So, if we can't have serious discussions about matters so integral to the potential success of FX Retail Traders, such as the spread differential between Retail FX Brokers without those threads being tossed into the Commercial section of the forum, then what kinds of other discussion topic that deal with the issue of Spreads are deemed non-commercial by the Moderator here at Forex-TSD?

I moved your thread, and it is nothing with spread for 2 brokers.

It is something about the following:

1. promotion of your website (about 30% of your post content was about CollaborativeFx).

2. broker wars are fully prohibited on the forum.

If your promotion of this website will be continuing, or at leats one of those 2 brokers will complain - so I will move your thread to evaluation thread or will delete it.

Just for information.

... was recorded at a time when market liquidity was low and not at peak volum ...

Besides, we are having 2 or more spreadometers on the forum (indicators who are recording the spread). I am personally using one of them for example. So, your topic should be nothing with [one broker] vs [an other broker]. It is something about recording the spead for many brokers just to compare:

- fixed spead or not - increasing during the news time,

- difference between spead for live and demo ...

and more ....

I did not for many brokers in elite section when I wanted to start trading PolyfitScalping EA.

No one broker will reduce the spread because of your thread. So, it is mostly educational material, and it is nothing to do with this battle as [one broker] vs [an other broker], and it is nothing with CollaborativeFx as our forum is not connected with CollaborativeFx in anyway.

(broker wars are fully prohibited on the forum).



win is myth, of course, so hard to bet against all odds

believe in itself bad luck could be upper hand


and suddenly today

forex-tsd site become a single column, format-losing site on my CHROME browser -- and got the https too

if I use opera, it looks all right

[look like css gone too]

so this site look odd with my chrome now, dunno why



happened on my chrome too...4x...for once you're right:)



Don't know guys, but this is what it look like right now for me in chrome :

tsd.gif  93 kb


Don't know guys, but this is what it look like right now for me in chrome :

that problem lasted couple of minutes this morning...than everything went back to normal


Hey Guys,

Don't know where to post this ....

I have a graphical problem with forex-tsd with google chrome.

So since yesterday, the site is loading but only text and in the adress i have HTTPS, only in chrome.

Am i the only ? I write this message with opera, but i'm more used to chrome and all my favorites and ohh well .....

Thanks !


Hi Big Joe,

Am i the only ?


if you use chrome so click on this one:

By the way - the forum programmers are fixing it since yesterday so I hope it will be fixed soon.

clickon.jpg  5 kb


another thing that was happening for the last few Chrome or Firefox...when hitting "back" arrow...sometimes it works...sometimes I have to hit it 2-3 times...