Suggestion to forum admins - page 7


Yup,thanks ND


Please post ALL of the forums rules here.

Please post instructions for using the forum here.

Thank you.


Sorry we discussed this subject with you already during the 3 months by PMs during almost every day. That's enough sorry. No any talking with you any more.


my suggestion

make quick reply tab

-so no need to wait long for reply short message.


Another Request...

make quick reply tab -so no need to wait long for reply short message.

agreed with U coder4hire.


Why are my posts getting deleted??

I asked if we can have 300 stored PMs like other forums instead of only 50.

I don't think that violates any rules... or does it?

Sorry we discussed this subject with you already during the 3 months by PMs during almost every day. That's enough sorry. No any talking with you any more.

6 PMs from you today. That's enough.


I have an improvement on my last recommendation. The attachment features someone else wanted....

I wanted the Attached documents feature like on other forum, but to make it even better still! Have a Link to the actual post the attachment is on! This way we do not waste time reading unnecessary posts that do not help with the trading strategy - but get straight to the attachment (and post) and why it was posted! Helps all traders when they are short on time.


Thanks. We are having few similar requests about attachments.


MP -- would be nice to see the rules posted

while only a poor and simple little retail trader, and not mixing with those who publish websites or trading platforms, it WOULD BE BEST FOR ALL IF THE RULES WERE PLAINLY POSTED FOR ALL TO SEE, as one cannot tell if theyre breaking a rule, if the rules are not there to be seen !

Imagine that might be the GREATEST fix of all !

enjoy and trade well
