Suggestion to forum admins - page 6


i propose we make a new subforum to stop the spam crud

sorry new here just speculating with all the spam posts that keep coming in I think we should make a subforum that we can report the links to. i dont know if that will help its up to you


Use this one:

For example: if you see bad post, bad language using an so on, or spam or flood or promotion insulting the other members, or commercial signature and so on - press this report button. And your message will directly go to admins' email.

Admins/moderators understand those reports as official reports and must take those reports onto consideration.

Please note - it is just about one post ony: report button corresponded to the bad post. If one member did 5 bad posts so use 5 buttons and member will get 5 reported posts (it is exceptional case for the member to have 5 reported posts as the member will be banned on 3rd or 4th case) - and thi member will not know about who reported against him to be banned as decision about banning is taken by admin/moderator (not the member who reported).

report.jpg  13 kb

If 100 posts make me a Senior Member, how many posts do I need to attain that title of Decrepitly Old Member or Senile Member?? Just wondering what I have to strive for


If 100 posts make me a Senior Member, how many posts do I need to attain that title of Decrepitly Old Member or Senile Member?? Just wondering what I have to strive for Dave

2,000,000 or 3,000,000 post and you will be grant the title of soon grave member

2,000,000 or 3,000,000 post and you will be grant the title of soon grave member

Anybody making that many posts are spending far too much time in forums and not trading!

Anybody making that many posts are spending far too much time in forums and not trading!

thats the point.. busy asking and answering questions, solving other people problem but in mean time didnt have own personal time to trade... so what is so important with title junior, member, senior etc? nothing i guess... that just me... dont know what other people will say bout this


To NewDigital and Linuxser

My idea is create i topic that will list most favourate coder from Forex-tsd


CJA,Kalenzo,Mladen,FXBS,Igorad,Banzai and other(sorry because not mention here).Each nickname will have their list of indicator that they created.



1.MTF Pivot

2.Bar Signal






1.All Stochastic


and etc.

I think all forumer will help you to update the list.

It just an idea


Second suggestion,can u sticky this thread

Something interesting please post here ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page) ,because it something interesting..


This one?

Done. It is sticky.