Suggestion to forum admins - page 54


Some usefull information.

Where to find a moved thread/post ?

Read here

Searching threads quickly for the info you need: very usefull


For new members:

just want to remind about this thread


Requests for free coding is increased on the forum.

So, just read those rules below (to avoid any confusion).


Programmers are coding if it is interesting for many members of the forum, or/and it is interesting for themselves (for programmers). It is responsibility for the members to increase the interests of programmers by testing, forward testing, detailed explanation, manual trading or any.

This rule exists for many years on tsd forum since 2005.

If some members wants to receive the help with free coding - so this member should be ready to provide some detailed explanation, images, may be - some forward testing/manual trading results for some time just to increase interest of the members of tsd forum for his request.


Just to remind:

The public TSd forum sources about elite sections are the following:

- How to pay forex-tsd�s paid sections (public thread):

- Public discussion about elite section and all the questions:

- How to subscribe/unsubscribe, and how to unsuscribe from trial (public thread):

And finally - 1 main public threads to receive some information about elite section:



Any broker can have 1 thread on brokers section (if for free). One thread per broker. If more - go to Contact Us form and ask/pay for banner or any. Second/3rd etc thread for same broker should be deleted, or merged to be '1 thread per broker'.

If some problems/issues - go to Contact Us form and send a message to moderators/admins on 'General Site Feedback'.

Besides, any broker can have 1 thread on this section Analytics to post analytics, not an advertisements. Content should be mainly uploaded directly to our forum (most part of it).

The best analytics threads (and good threads too) are promoted in many social networks by tsd team.

Just for information.


Just to remind:

There are 2 separated public websites about elite sections news:

Elite Section

Advanced Elite Section

Just in case someone like more to have it in more organized way.

Besides - there is 'What is new weekly in public and elite' thread here (elite section thread):

It is elite section thread. If you want to know what happened inside elite section 6 months ago, or 1 year ago, or 1 month ago, or you missed something so this thread it for you: just to know everything when you were absent for example.

The other way to know is my blog here on TSD (public blog):

Forex-TSD - What is forex tsd new in public in elite everywhere

And finaly - everybody can subscribe to 7 days trial just to see what is inside elite sections and unsubscribe before paying if do not like. Thread about how to unsubscribe:

The other public sources about elite sections are the following:

- How to pay forex-tsd�s paid sections (public thread):

- Public discussion about elite section and all the questions:

- How to subscribe/unsubscribe, and how to unsuscribe from trial (public thread):

And finally - 1 main public threads to receive some information about elite section:


If you already subscrived to elite sections to the following information will be very usefull.

Advanced elite section is here:

- Advanced Elite.

Elite section is here:

- Mandarine Systems section;

- Expert Analysis section;

- Portfolio and brokers discussion;

- Manual Trading systems and indicators.

Key threads in elite sections (both advanced and elite):

- EA's Files (elite/Expert Analysis section)

- Elite indicators links thread (elite/Manual Trading systems and indicators section)

- EAs' files (elite/Mandarine Systems section).

- advanced links/threads/tools (advanced)

- usefull links/threads/tools (elite/Expert Analysis section).

- advanced links/threads/tools (elite/Mandarine Systems section).

- EAs' files (advanced)

and the recent files updated weekly:

- What is new in public and elite weekly (elite/Portfolio and brokers discussion);

and finally:

- how to start with elite sections thread (elite/Expert Analysis section).


Just to remind:

- Public discussion about elite section and all the questions:

if someone is having the questions about elite section indicators or EAs - ask directly on this thread:

Public discussion about elite section and all the questions:

It is publuc thread so anyone can ask anything.


Just a suggestion to the people/companies who are placing their analytics on this section:

Analytics (many of them).

Please note we are promoting your posts on many social networks (for example - I am doing it on my private social networks).

So, please, make your posts according to the date. I mean: do not place analytics for yesterday.

Just a suggestion (related to some brokers).


And some suggestions.

In our forum - the members can express the disagreement with moderators/admins in any way without being banned for that.


1. It is my personal rule (the other admins may not use this rule in their life or on this forum);

2. Use proper thread for that.


- for any complaints about moderation/administration etc ("where is my post", about 'not proper moderation', and so on) - use this thread:

(1 or 2 posts only per case; without discussion started).

- for report about bad case with broker:

(same - 1 or 2 posts only per case; without discussion, without taking the vengeance).

- bad case with commercial

(same: 1 or 2 posts per case/service/person).

If we need more threads about "bad case reporting" so just ask - I will create more.

But if the member will attack moderator in inadmissible/inappropriate threads/places so this member will be banned for spam.

Please, use proper thread for any suggestions or complaints or any 'bad cases' reporting.


Some usefull information.

Where to find a moved thread/post ?

Read here

Searching threads quickly for the info you need: very usefull


For new members:

just want to remind about this thread


If someone wants to learn so ... it may be good to start

- from this thread (to read):


- with this thread to ask any question.