HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 124


Hi Ej

i can not open HAMA PAD H2 - The Goose. ,this web can not open ,can anybody help me ?????


The link works fine.

Must be a problem with your browser


Do you require to have a google account to become a member? I would like to join, any help here? Do you know where is the Paypal link and how much do you have to pay for?



"Information regarding the 3 membership levels at HAMA Traders Lounge has been emailed to everyone who have registered at the Google Groups from May 15 to date.- FXCruiser"

From post 1229



Thanks for sending out info.

I have returned form as requested.



Hi Mart,

thank you for your kind help.

Would you be kind to check my registration, since I've not received any email from anyone? However I 've registered with fxcruiser at google hours ago.



Hi Mart,

thank you for your kind help.

Would you be kind to check my registration, since I've not received any email from anyone? However I 've registered with fxcruiser at google hours ago.



Sorry I can't do anything like that

You say "Hours Ago" Well I would guess EJ will still be in bed now (west coast USA) and I guess he will also try to have some kind of life outside all of this

So give him a day or three Eh !


"Information regarding the 3 membership levels at HAMA Traders Lounge has been emailed to everyone who have registered at the Google Groups from May 15 to date.- FXCruiser"

From post 1229


Hi Mart

I got the email but it still seems confusing as to where I can find v1. Is it an attachment on the forum here (what post number) or something you email to us?




Greetings, EJ or anyone else who can help. I have not received an email from you or have not seen any new posts on the HAMA PAD H2 Traders Lounge. I have been registered since March of this year. I also have been a user of the Hama2 in the past.





I have just finished watching Dr. Charles Stanley's message today on FREEDOM! Whether you are a believer or not, the first 5 minutes may inspire you. If you stay with it for about 45 minutes, you may uncover something which may help you in overcoming some, if you have any (and who doesn't), of the psychological barriers you may have in trading or in life in general.

You can view it here: LIBERATED TO LIVE

Note! Caution! Warning! This video contains Biblical quotations and message. If by any chance, this will be offensive to you; IT is NOT intended to be.