HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 59


My 2 Pips

I have followed the HAMA PAD thread since the start and appreciate FXCrusier

adding personality to it. I sense his heart and commitment with his giving and sharing of information. Remember, we are all on the same team and have the same goal in mind. I think anyone attempt to throw coldwater on this thread and slow down it's obvious momentum has an agenda. There is room at the cross for all of us. Let's stay postive and remember who the true enemy is.

Okay it's time to go and feed my 6'7 340lb son breakfast b4 his college football game today. Stay postive and be good to one another!



I have more than a few thoughts on what igor had to say...and I have some suggestions for improvement. I'll just start with a few, however, and if that seems to help out then maybe I'll throw out some more thoughts. Some of you may not like where I'm going with this, but please have an open mind.

First, as you all know, we can classify traders as either primarily intuitive or primarily systematic. These two types of traders don't seem to usually mix very well, but they both have strengths and weaknesses. I perceive that fxcruiser and possibly spiritfriends (along with others I'm sure) are primarily intuitive, while myself and possibly safaerig and creztor (I think) are primarily systematic.

However, the value I find in this thread is twofold 1) I am seeking to continue to fill out the suite of systems that I implement, and a day-trading, trend-following approach would help to fill one of the gaps, especially if it could be adapted to e-minis 2) I actually think that the way fxcruiser has gone about developing this thread has been quite good, especially how he has controlled releases. I think there is a good foundation here to develop something powerful.

Here are my suggestions:

1) that fxcruiser goes ahead with the traders lounge--this would allow for some of the less experienced traders and the systematic traders to interact with the more experienced and discretionary traders in real time---"Why didn't you take that signal?"

2) that we all start being more rigorous with our data and reporting--eventually we can analyze the data and possibly tease out some insights to improve the "approach" (btw, approach, method, system--the only difference is a difference in rigor to me).

It would be nice to see this thread evolve into something a step above the other threads that can be found all over the internet. Basically, I'd like to see a more organized development and/or learning process. I have more suggestions to share, but perhaps what I've said so far won't mesh with what fxcruiser has in mind, so I'll leave it at that for now.



For those Trend Followers, and in light of what is going on in this thread and where this thread is heading, I thought I share this with you ALL.

Patiently wait for the unique price pattern first. You will always have more opportunities in front of you.
The market constantly alternates between narrow range price consolidations and large range price movements; the ratio of price consolidations to price movements is approximately 80:20. Experience has shown that during price consolidations it is not appropriate to initiate trend-following trades. Experienced and successful traders report, however, that they have had a very good success when they take the entry point at the END of a price consolidation. That is why we must be patient and be very selective.

FX my Good Friend,

May I start in response to the latest events by commending you on your inner strength and fortitude.Many others would crumble from any opposition or negative response to their contributions.

From my point of view this is what I witness here on the Hama Pad thread.First and formost FX is a very enlightened soul who tries to make the world a better place for himself and others.To accomplish this one must share unconditionally.FX had a vision many years ago and began trading the Hama method for himself.With successful results for himself,through trending markets and ranging markets,FX has found freedom in his life and an income to pursue his dreams.This Hama Pad method WORKS for FX through his hard work,screen time and gut feeling.Every trader that I know,since 1987, developes a 6th sense to their trading methods.A bell curve that for some developes early in their pursiut for success or over a longer period in most cases.NO ONE,to my knowledge has been labeled a newbie and gone from rags to riches from day one.

Fx in my eyes has brought a simplified method of trading to the table and if one is patient,one can trade many styles and make their projected daily pips.I refered to the GOLDEN EGG because that's exactly as I saw the Hama Pad.Almost every pair daily gives you one nice trade.Yes many times a lot of us are sleeping but then again FX creates an EA for us so we can benifit through times of sleep or other matters that take us away from the screen.

I have traded the Hama Pad live ever since I received it from FX and I can successfully grab multiple pips with version 1,again,if I'm patient and wait for the signals to enter.I have posted some trades on the USD/CAD for examples.

So in my eyes everyone is entitled to an opinion and that is what Igor has shared as many others.Not any one method is everybodies cup of tea and thats the beauty of trading.For Fx, myself and many others,LONG LIVE THE HAMA PAD!

A quick side note.Scooping 10 pips daily from the Hama method should and can be routine.Starting with 1 mini and increasing lots conservatively will give you an income of $192,000 a year after a 2 year cycle.Fx has given everyone the tools to build their dreams.If success has been acheived by some with Hama then it would only be a matter of time that those putting in their bent on the Hama will also be successful.This is hard work trading.Thank you FX and many others who shared unconditionally to the growth and well being of others.You FX can be applauded as well of all those who have done the same before you and those who will do this to come.

This is the HAMA family.No matter the hardships,the differences of opinion we must always honor the choices of others and encourage, not destroy their dreams!

David AKA Spiritfriends


Hi FXCruiser(english is not my native language but I want to come out very strong with my messages)

Thanks for your "system" = it is for me to decide if I want to work with it or not!

I think every trader have to take ownership of his decisions and stop blaming other peoples "systems" for their failures - in live you have to pay schoolfees.(once we were all newbies)

Do you give a hungry man a fish a day to eat or do you teach him to fish?

Thank you for this thread and sticking with it - at least you do not abandon it and start a totaly new thread.

I like your style and your humor = go forward in glory!

Many more pips with HAMA!!!!



The point is...

FXC has been trading with this system for awhile. He does have a 6th sense if you want to put it that way for a good setup. FXC has been succesfyl trading this setup and has only added to it for our benefit really. There is no one sysem that is going to meet everyones needs.

The Hama Pad is my point of reference. I do not trade with the system yet, but I use it every day for a point of reference for scalping and various other short term trades. I will be trading it full time someday soon I hope. But very simply, it is invaluable to me every day. Thank you FXC. As I've said many times in past posts, I appreciate the manner in which you have gone about this.


To the some 50 people who are still awaiting for the HAMA PAD v1 indicators set and template, I was originally contemplating of sending out the combined v2 and v3, and do one emailing out. However, due to the recent development in this thread, that will not be the case at this time. Rather, I will be sending out to you the original v1 version and you should have in your email inbox on or before the Euro session. I feel that this is my responsibility and obligation to you, this much I owe you, regardless where this thread goes.

So, watch for it, and...

