HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 131


I lag

You lag

He lags


Neverthless, i doubt you can have the same signals on daily and on one hour time frame, or i am completely blind.

Mart-Hart, give me your glasses, maybe i'll see better

Hello! I am sorry for the delay. I have just finished watching a movie "Are We Done Yet"; it's so hilarious. I have just quickly checked my inbox and saw some of the posting on this thread. Anyhow, I have sent out an Status Update email to everyone who have returned their completed User Info Form to the same email address they have used to send in the form. If you have not received it, then you have not submitted one or I have not received it.

I will respond to some other relevant posts tomorrow. I am taking a long nap for now.



Hi fxcruiser,

Can you please double check that you have received my form. I completed and returned it to you on 01st July, 2007. I have resent it to you with the original email dated 01st July, 2007. Hope I can still get in.


I read they practiced three months not only to get it right for the Salsa but also to get it right for the camera ...

Thanks alpha 1000. Now, I remember the scene. Yeah, Salsa is getting popular in China, Japan, actually all over Asia. I found out that Sayaka, one of the violinist for Yanni, plays salsa music and has a Latin Band "Chakala" playing regularly in one of the hottest Latin bars in Tokyo. See her talent playing violin in Yanni's Playtime.

If you like the beat of Salsa music, you will definitely like the heartbeat of the HAMA Traders Lounge's Z3 Market Watch. For Monday's session, it shows at least a dozen high probability trade setups for forex and another dozen for eminis, futures, and CFD equities. Whether you use HAMA PAD v1, H2 or Z3, just check out Market Watch, review your respective chart and wait for signals from your indys to match the TFS and you have 90-100 percent probability to gain them pips. No worry, stress free, trading.

The effectiveness of Z3 Market Watch is being tested in the trades shown below. Couple of these trades are carry over trades from D1 time frame setup. Enjoy the market beat of Z3 whether on HAMA PAD v1 or H2 System. In fact it does not matter which and whose trading system you follow, just follow the Trend Factors. You can scalp, trend trade, range trade, breakouts, etc.



P.S. If you don't see any SL on it, no problem. I've got it covered. Drawdown is very minimal.


Ooops! I almost forgot to attach this image. Now, guys, you tell me, are the negative trades really worth hiding if that was my intent? I am DONE with these posts.



Explain what were your reasons to show only profitable trades and hide the losses ?

Mr. 4xHome, sir, I don’t know what your native language is; mine is not English. So, attentive reading, listening, and watching have always help me in understanding and communicating.

So let me try reading, rather quoting as it may help in our understanding my post.

First, it was an exchange of posts between me and alpha 1000 on Salsa music and dancing.

Thanks alpha 1000. Now, I remember the scene. Yeah, Salsa is getting popular in China, Japan, actually all over Asia. I found out that Sayaka, one of the violinist for Yanni, plays salsa music and has a Latin Band "Chakala" playing regularly in one of the hottest Latin bars in Tokyo. See her talent playing violin in Yanni's Playtime.

I then later redirected and related the beat of Salsa to the heartbeat of the Market Watch.

If you like the beat of Salsa music, you will definitely like the heartbeat of the HAMA Traders Lounge's Z3 Market Watch. ....just check out Market Watch, review your respective chart and wait for signals from your indys to match the TFS and you have 90-100 percent probability to gain them pips. No worry, stress free, trading.

The following will address my reasons for posting the chart referred to on CADJPY and other trades in progress.

The effectiveness of Z3 Market Watch is being tested in the trades shown below.

"Effectiveness and being tested" are the key words for understanding. Meaning, trades shown on this post were to test the effectiveness of the Z3 Market Watch and how it relates to the Goldeneye and the overall PAD concept – Price, Area, Direction.

As noted in the previous paragraph of that post, “review your respective chart and wait for signals from your indys to match the TFS and you have 90-100 percent probability to gain them pips.” Key words are review, wait, and match because I don’t expect anyone to trade the way I do. As such and as many of our members can attest, I am more particular about execution and not profits or losses. Profitability will follow (if you can execute properly). We all have different profit objective and risk tolerance (loss).

As noted, “Couple of these trades are carry over trades from D1 time frame setup” and I may add also there were couple of trades on H4 and the rest on H1. My objective on this test platform is to let these trades run its course. Some will be exited earlier, others will run through 90 and/or 75 score level. In addition to the TFS, I am also looking at the effectiveness of the Zone Areas and determine the potential pullback, retracement, trend continuation, and the ensuing trend reversal.

I hope your answer is not : you don't need to explain it , cause you are a senior member and people trust you!!!

Honestly, sir, I have no idea what a senior member is and how it got on my username. I did not apply nor ask for it. If I don’t answer you or anyone else for that matter, I hope you understand, it is not because of the senior member status. You will find the reason on all my post. As far as trust, I leave that up to the people who eventually I would have chosen to work with.

Finally, let me get back to where you started in post 1286. You have used a very strong word "deceiving" or DECEPTION written in large bold letters which are indicative of your intentions. With your strong words, you are not ONLY questioning my post rather you are also questioning my integrity and character without knowing me personally. Sir, you don’t know me; I don’t know you and I really don’t care who you are. Neither do I care on how much fortune you claimed you have made, are making, and will make wherever. Mr. 4xHome, sir, this is where you have crossed the line. DON’T YOU EVER, EVER DO THAT AGAIN, sir!

My BEST WISHES to you!




fxcruiser :

We all make mistakes. That’s how we learn, I admit I was wrong in my judgment; however I wasn’t wrong in my post as you have seen on post 1289

I admit it was a mistake I didn’t pay much attention attention to the previous posts, the big screen shots and the way the price was layed took my attention.

Please accept my apology, I made it in big bold font so it will make your day


Mr. 4XHome: please let me assist you with your facts ...

Mr. 4xHome:

* The items below are things you could have found them on THIS THREAD,

if you looked. There are probably more, but I just don't have time right now to mess with it.

* I just saw your post making an accusation of "deceiving information" by Mr. FXCruiser's chart, since that chart didn't show any losses

* Please note at your convenience the first two (2) pics below: they are Profit/Loss statements already posted long ago by FXCruiser previously on THIS very same thread.

For your further convenience, I even listed the post # and the date of posting in pic file name. The reason I know they exist is because I have actually been READING the thread. Not just taking potshots at it.

* Now the third pic attached is a little different. It discusses a situation on the internet when somebody posts something clearly untrue which is damaging, say, to another person's online business. That is called "libel" and the article talks about how it applies on the internet even now, finally.

* I don't know what country you're in, but here in the US, if you go putting accusations of deception in writing, you need to be aware that actions have

consequences sometimes.

* Now, I don't know Mr. FxCruiser. I'm actually pretty new. But I gotta tell you, the two pics I have attached show two of his profit and loss statements, have been available for months on line -- and they clearly show a few small losses, and some "00.00" results as well. You were so eager to accuse somebody of something, I guess, I think you put yourself into quite a mess.

* It isn't Mr. FXCruiser who had posted false statements, I'm afraid, but maybe * YOU. * I mean, to the whole internet even. When you put your foot in it, you REALLY put your foot in it, don't you? Not only is there all that official stuff shown in the article, but making accusations of someone's supposed DECEPTION when the proof of the matter is plainly visible in front of your nose (!) -- well, on top of everything else, that's just plain tacky, don't you think?


* Now if you're a professional person, then I am sure you will want to consider that you, too, can have a stressful day, for example. Maybe you're a doctor, and you've been up all night and have been missing all your sleep?

Who knows?

But Mr. 4xHome, I do think a SIMPLE APOLOGY online here as to postings that have been there online in the thread for quite some time showing losses and breakevens ... which it seems you never even looked for -- I think a simple online apology to Mr. FxCruiser for your saying these things would be in order.

* What do you think?


Guys, special request from me and I would appreciate if everybody respect it. Let us not take this issue any further. I think that we have made our points across. Let's all learn and trade profitably. Best wishes to ALL.




Not worth it...

EJ, I completely understand you want to refute this ridiculous claims that you are being dishonest, but man....there is really no need for that....save your time and efforts....all sensible people respect you for what you do, so just relax...This is just a public forum. There are several types of people here. The first type is the ones that are desperately trying to find the mechanism of the market, they look at every single thread hoping they will find the wheel of fortune right there, right now. They might have their own thread, and they will compare it with everything that is out there...if this something threatens their idea they will find its flaws and will jump on it immediatetely, warning "newbies"(God, I hate this word!!!!) that this is a scam....

The second type of people will just choose a side(they are also looking for the mechanism of the market) and will faithfully support one or the other...

The third type of people have been through all that and they will just try to sell something using well-known techniques, scamming "newbies" and getting all the hate in the world. So, that is the reality of FX Forums. Sorry to sound so dim, but this is just how it is....

You are one of the few people that have integrity, so God Bless You!!!

Friendly Regards,




4x has an agenda see his post below. Once he see's he can't make in roads on the Hama group he will take his garbage someplace else. Best thing I have seen to do with people like him is to ignore.

go to xxxxxxxxxxx.com there you will find real results with real traders