Traders joking, the beginning - page 251


Last month 312,000 Americans stopped looking for work, causing the unemployment rate to fall to 7.3 percent. Today President Obama called it a step in the right direction and encouraged more Americans to stop looking for work.


Last night President Obama spoke to the nation about Syria. Hopefully, Americans who were confused about the president's plan feel better now, knowing that he's confused too.




Since marijuana is now legal in Colorado they have to tax it like anything else, and this got people upset. This week, activists in Colorado were handing out free marijuana to protest the high taxes. Then later the pot activists were like, “We did WHAT?”


The White House has a new slogan: "Hope and let the Russians fix it."



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John Kerry has insisted that any military strike on Syria will be "unbelievably small." But not as small as the SUPPORT for a strike on Syria.



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Celebrity couples renew their wedding vows all the time. They usually give an interview explaining their marriage is "rock solid," and they just want to "get back to what's important." And the husband is "totally not gay."