Traders joking, the beginning - page 496

Donald Trump says that he is more serious than ever about running for president in 2016. He hasn't spelled out his platform yet. But he has spell the out the word "Trump" on his platform.


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Police in Florida are searching for someone who stole 360,000 nickels during a house party. Police believe the suspect is almost to the end of the street.


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The Kardashian family has signed a deal keeping them on the air for four more years and paying them $100 million. So let that be a lesson. If you really work hard and apply yourself, you are wasting your time.


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Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald got in some hot water this week for saying that he served in the military's Special Forces when he never did. It gets even worse when you find out the place he actually served was Old Navy.
my favorite indicators, translated into a sound:

That is awesome by the way.



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