Traders joking, the beginning - page 122


forex indicator look simple, but we simply don't know how to use it --- you just don't know that you could be that stupid


"The Obama campaign is releasing a new ad showing Americans whose financial situation has improved over the past four years. Unfortunately, the only person who appears in the ad is Mitt Romney."


these videos are very good, like you visiting there yourself



pattern_1.jpg  22 kb

"Forex trading is very easy to do: you can take any indicator and start to trade. I am making good money trading forex":


"Growing old is gonna happen whether you like it or not, but growing up is totally your choice."



I love the smell of Freudian slips in the morning...actually any time of day... Obama: ‘When four Americans get killed, it’s not optimal’ |



"Trading in Google shares was suspended for two-and-a-half hours after the internet giant released its third-quarter results early by mistake."

BBC News - Google shares suspended after profit results error


"Shouting to make people listen works almost as well as punching someone in the face to make them love you."


Photoshop Troll

Photoshop troll

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