Traders joking, the beginning - page 248


President Obama is pretty clever. Did you see what he is doing to get Congress to approve the attack? He told them Syrian President Assad supports Obamacare.


All week President Obama has been saying he will seek congressional approval for the strike but he insists he doesn’t really need it. When asked by the media if he was sending mixed messages, the president said: "Yes and no."




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Republican leaders have agreed to support President Obama's plan to attack Syria. See, that’s what I love about USA. The only time Republicans and Democrats can agree on something is when it’s time to bomb somebody.


If President Obama really wants to hurt the Syrian government, don’t send cruise missiles. He should send over some of his economic advisers.





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You can now buy a coffin that has a $30,000 stereo system. That's right. You can be buried in a coffin with a stereo system that costs $30,000. Or you can just bury the $30,000. It's the same thing.