Trade less is the best way to minimize loses in trading!

Trade less is the best way to minimize loses in trading!

4 September 2017, 12:41
Angelito Cartagena
In real life more is better, for example if a factory increase its work hours will probably also increase it output that can also translate to more profits, but in trading this is not likely the case because the more you trade in the market the more you are are exposed to risk, of course it can also be the opposite but the winning rate can be just 50/50 chance. In my years of trading in the market I probably tried all kinds of strategies but I realized that success of one's trading will also depends on how you minimize the risk, it is not just about having a winning strategy. While it maybe true that forex is a 24 hour market but it does not mean that you have to trade all the time for 24 hours, trading in general is a waiting game, you have to timed your entry in the market according to your set of rules. It does not matter if you only have one trade a day but is profitable than having 10 trades that only end up break even. So many traders are involve into HFT but I doubt it they are really making money in the long run. Trading less is also one way of managing your risk.