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ranking of the richest of the 21st century...
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Antonio Gutemberg Frota, 4 December 2023, 12:34 #EUR/USD
High-net-worth individuals of Santander Private Banking International will have access to trade BTC and ETH, according to a report claiming access to a leaked internal communication...
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Antonio Gutemberg Frota, 27 November 2023, 10:15
A North American unit of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) was hit by ransomware this week...
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Antonio Gutemberg Frota, 23 November 2023, 10:24 #China
В г. Алматы SME Banking Club проводит II ежегодную банковскую конференцию, посвященную развитию малого и среднего бизнеса (МСБ) в странах Центральной Азии...
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SergeyVladimiro, 1 November 2019, 15:47
Малазийский блокчейн-стартап Belfrics, располагающий собственной международной сетью бирж цифровых активов и контролируемых блокчейн-решений, готовится привлечь 30 млн долл. США в ходе первого раунда финансирования...
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SergeyVladimiro, 1 August 2019, 21:31
Nubank, лидер финансовых технологий в Латинской Америке, сообщила о привлечении 400 млн долл. США в ходе инвестиционного раунда Серии Е...
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SergeyVladimiro, 31 July 2019, 21:53
Компания AmgenInc. («Amgen») (NASDAQ: AMGN) обнародовала рекомендуемое публичное предложение покупки всех акций, принадлежащих акционерам Nuevolution AB (публ.) («Nuevolution»), за наличные средства («Предложение»...
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SergeyVladimiro, 26 May 2019, 22:04
La plateforme MT4 est conçue pour que le trading sur les marchés financiers soit aussi simple que possible. En utilisant la plateforme MT4, vous pouvez facilement analyser chaque instrument financier et même automatiser votre trading...
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Alexis Barouch, 13 March 2019, 20:49
Federal Reserve Bank is a very powerful central bank. Federal Reserve Bank has tremendous influence over financial markets. Surprisingly many traders have no idea how this bank works and sets its policy. FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) is the most important decision making body in the bank...
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Ahmad Hassam, 3 April 2018, 17:24 #forex
Currency market is too big to be manipulated. We are told often. 6 big banks have been fined more than $ Billion for market manipulation. These banks include Citibank, HSBC, JP Morgan Chase, UBS and RBS. I have explained in this post the currency market manipulation allegations as well as videos...
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Ahmad Hassam, 15 January 2017, 07:22
Federal Reserve recently announced the rate increase in a FOMC Meeting earlier this month. This decision came after a lot of procrastination on part of Federal Reserve. Central Banks are the biggest players in the market. Central Banks have the power to create a lot of money in the market...
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Ahmad Hassam, 23 December 2016, 08:30 #Fed
Big Banks Method – Is making profits around every 20 seconds on average! This is no black-box offer, dear friend.. the concept is laid wide open to you and everyone.. we believe that “sharing is caring”, so feel free to do with the information whatever you want...
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binarypro, 20 September 2016, 00:14
Canadian banks have been some of the best-performing banks in North America. While that isn't a stellar statement of strength, they are doing a good job of outperforming their beaten down peers...
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Muhammad Elbermawi, 27 August 2016, 22:19
Carney presser following the release of the FPC's Financial Stability report BOE will be straight with the British people Now likely that adjustments in commercial real-estate and will tighten credit conditions There is growing evidence that post Brexit uncertainty has delayed decisions on invest...
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Sherif Hasan, 5 July 2016, 14:59
Latest BOE Financial stability report Will reduce counter cyclical capital buffer to 0.0% from 0.5% with immediate effect until June 2017 at the least CCB cut will reduce buffer by £5...
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Sherif Hasan, 5 July 2016, 14:57
It's a two-for-one Mark Carney day today The BOE head is gracing us with his presence twice today. At 09.30 GMT he brings us the latest BOE financial stability report. Ok, he's not really speaking live for this one but we'll get all the details and comments from the report...
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Sherif Hasan, 5 July 2016, 09:17
Reserve Bank of Australia monetary policy board decision announcement for July. Cash rate on hold at 1...
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Sherif Hasan, 5 July 2016, 06:52 #RBA
The full statement from the RBA and comparison to June's 5 July 2016 At its meeting today, the Board decided to leave the cash rate unchanged at 1.75 per cent. The global economy is continuing to grow, at a lower than average pace...
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Sherif Hasan, 5 July 2016, 06:51 #RBA
More signs the ECB will wait-and-see A 'sources' report earlier this week also indicated the ECB is in no rush to act. Must keep period of uncertainty as short as possible Scope of Brexit's economic impact not yet clear Brexit to slightly dampen growth in Eurozone and Germany...
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Sherif Hasan, 1 July 2016, 18:24 #ECB